United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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New Fuel Cycle Facility Licensing

The staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is performing review activities for possible licensing of new fuel cycle facilities. The NRC accepted an application for construction of a mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility and is developing guidance on six policy issues related to gas centrifuge enrichment facilities. See the following pages for more information. See Fuel Cycle Facilities Licensing for an overview of the licensing process for fuel cycle facilities.

New Fuel Cycle Licensing Activities as of May 2012

Organization Location Type of Facility Name of Facility Status
LES-URENCO Eunice, New Mexico Centrifuge enrichment URENCO USA Application submitted to the NRC in December 2003. NRC license issued in June 2006. Construction began in August 2006 and is ongoing. Operations began in June 2010 amongst ongoing construction.
USEC Inc. Piketon, Ohio Centrifuge enrichment American Centrifuge Plant Application submitted to the NRC in August 2004. NRC license issued in April 2007. Facility construction began in May 2007 but was halted in July 2009 pending resolution of technical and financial issues.
AREVA Enrichment Services Bonneville County, Idaho Centrifuge enrichment Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Application submitted to the NRC in December 2008. License issued in October 2011.
GE - Hitachi Wilmington, North Carolina Laser enrichment GLE Uranium Enrichment Facility NRC Issued a license amendment in May 2008 for a test loop. Application for a full-scale facility submitted in June 2009 is currently under review.
Shaw AREVA MOX Services Aiken, South Carolina Mixed-oxide fuel fabrication Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility Application for construction authorization submitted in April 2001. Construction authorization issued by the NRC in March 2005 and construction of the facility is underway. Application for operating license submitted in November 2006. The Safety Evaluation Report was issued in December 2010 and the ACRS review is complete. Currently awaiting completion of the principle structures, systems and components per 70.23 (a)(8).
International Isotopes Fluorine Products, Inc. (IIFP) Lea County, New Mexico Fluorine extraction and depleted uranium deconversion Fluorine Extraction Process and Depleted Uranium Deconversion (FEP/DUP) Plant Application to construct and operate the FEP/DUP plant submitted to the NRC in December 2009 is currently under review.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, May 15, 2012