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Training and Exercises

General Aviation

Photo of a docked jet.

Alien Flight Student Program

The Interim Final Rule, Flight Training for Aliens and Other Designated Individuals; Security Awareness Training for Flight School Employees, requires flight schools to ensure that each of its flight school employees who has direct contact with students (including flight instructors, ground instructors, chief instructors and administrative personnel who have direct contact with students) receives both initial and recurrent security awareness training. Flight schools may either choose to use TSA’s security awareness training program or develop their own program. If a flight school chooses to develop its own program, the program must adhere to standards in the rule.

For those employees employed by the flight school as of Jan. 18, 2005, initial training must have been completed no later than Jan. 18, 2005. For employees hired after Jan. 18, 2005, initial training must be completed no later than 60 days after the date of hire. Recurrent training must be provided to employees each year in the same month as the month they received initial training.

TSA and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) have collaborated to create an online General Aviation Security course which may be used for initial and recurrent flight school security awareness training. This training is more specific, engaging, and realistic than the previous TSA Alien Flight Student Program. If used solely for the Recurrent Security Awareness Training course, completion will require review of the following additional two items:

  1. Any new security measures or procedures implemented by the flight school; and
  2. Any security incidents at the flight school, and any lessons learned as a result of such incidents.

Initial and Recurrent Alien Flight Student Program:

Training Contact


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