Current Images Of The Sun: These images represent data from Mauna Loa Solar Observatory instruments.

HAO General Inquiries: 303-497-2188

See Venus transit data (LINK) from the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. Also see: Story.

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White Light Corona image
White Light Corona
(700-950 nm)
Hydrogen Alpha Disk image
Hydrogen Alpha Disk
(656.3 nm)
Helium I Line image
Helium I Line
(1083 nm)
Calcium II K Line image
Calcium II K Line
(393 nm)
  • Secrets of the Sun
    1) Secrets of the Sun

    25 April 2011:
    Our own Sarah Gibson and
    Scott McIntosh are among the solar researchers featured in a new episode of the PBS series NOVA. "Secrets of the Sun".
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  • FPI in Boulder
    2) Inauguration of the Boulder Fabry-Perot Interferometer upper-atmosphere wind observation

    16 March 2012:
    A Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) was installed at NCAR Marshall Field, just to the south-east of Boulder, to observe thermospheric and mesospheric winds.
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  • tying the Sun together
    3) Tying the Sun together

    6 February 2012:
    HAO solar science is featured in a new article on NCAR/UCAR "AtmosNews". The article profiles the efforts to study and connect the solar dynamo and magnetic flux emergence by Mark Miesch and colleagues.
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  • Solar Cycles
    4) Identifying the Beginnings and Ends of Solar Cycles

    4 January 2012:
    HAO scientist's Mausumi Dikpati, Peter Gilman, Giuliana de Toma, and UCLA professor Roger Ulrich find that the latitude at which plasma sinking occurs is very important.
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  • Severe Space Weather
    5) Modeling the Impact of Severe Space Weather

    14 December 2011:
    Space physicist, Mike Wiltberger –New simulations from the Coupled Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere model offer an improved view of the dynamic charged-material exchanges generated during magnetic storms.
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