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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Douglas Ray

Douglas Ray

Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K9-80
Richland, WA 99352


Douglas Ray serves as Associate Laboratory Director for the Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate, a role he has fulfilled since May 2006. The Directorate serves as the primary steward for research supported by the Department of Energy's Office of Science.

As the Associate Laboratory Director, Dr. Ray directs more than 500 staff members in four research divisions: Atmospheric Sciences and Global Climate Change, Biological Sciences, Chemical & Materials Science, and Computational Sciences and Mathematics. Under his leadership, the divisions focus on important scientific problems with national implications as the key to advancing the frontiers of science. He and his staff members seek to

  • Achieve a predictive understanding of the behavior of multicellular biological systems
  • Create computational capabilities to solve problems using peta- and exascale simulation and advanced data architectures
  • Develop tools and understanding required to control chemical and physical processes, including multiscale self-assembly processes, in complex multiphase environments
  • Develop transformational new tools, techniques and facilities, including those for advanced modeling and computation, for the biological, chemical, environmental and physical sciences via the DOE's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory and other user facilities.
  • Transform the Nation's ability to predict climate change and its impacts
  • Understand energy & materials transfer in the subsurface environment from molecular to ecosystem scales.

Dr. Ray also served as the Laboratory's Interim Deputy Director for Science and Technology from 2007 to 2008. In this role Dr. Ray directed the integration of the Laboratory's science and technology base to deliver essential scientific capability and accomplishments for advancement of the Department of Energy's missions and meeting the Nation's most critical challenges. He was responsible for guiding the Laboratory's overall capability development strategies and investments.

Previously, Dr. Ray served as Chief Research Officer for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he was responsible for defining and advancing the science and technology portfolio, coordinating discretionary research investments, providing oversight of science and technology quality assurance, as well as working with counterparts at other Department of Energy laboratories to strengthen the value received from the Department's national laboratories.

Dr. Ray also previously served as Director of the Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division, where he managed 125 staff and was responsible for the Laboratory's Department of Energy research programs in Basic Energy Sciences and Environmental Management Science, initiatives for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology and Interfacial Catalysis, as well as the emerging Institute for Integrated Catalysis, the University of Washington/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Joint Institute for Nanoscience & Nano-technology and, jointly with the University of Washington and Simon Fraser University, the Pacific Northwest Consortium Collaborative Access Team at the Advanced Photon Source sited at Argonne National Laboratory.

Education and Credentials

  • A. B. Physics, Kalamazoo College, Michigan, 1979
  • Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California/Berkeley, 1985
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado/Boulder, 1985-1990

Affiliations and Professional Service

PNNL Publications


  • Campbell CT, AK Datye, GA Henkelman, RF Lobo, WF Schneider, LD Spicer, WT Tysoe, JM Vohs, DR Baer, DW Hoyt, S Thevuthasan, KT Mueller, CM Wang, NM Washton, I Lyubinetsky, RG Teller, A Andersen, N Govind, K Kowalski, BC Kabius, H Wang, AA Campbell, WA Shelton, EJ Bylaska, CHF Peden, Y Wang, DL King, MA Henderson, RJ Rousseau, J Szanyi, Z Dohnalek, D Mei, BC Garrett, D Ray, JH Futrell, J Laskin, DL DuBois, LR Kuprat, and C Plata. 2011. EMSL and Institute for Integrated Catalysis (IIC) Catalysis WorkshopPNNL-20426, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Ray D. 2008. "Chemistry for the Environment-Energy Nexus at PNNL." ACS Graduate Education Newsletter 7(1):8-9. 
  • Bell AT, BC Gates, D Ray, and MR Thompson. 2008. Basic Research Needs: Catalysis for EnergyPNNL-17214, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Garrett BC, DA Dixon, DM Camaioni, DM Chipman, MA Johnson, CD Jonah, GA Kimmel, JH Miller, T Rescigno, PJ Rossky, SS Xantheas, SD Colson, AH Laufer, D Ray, PF Barbara, DM Bartels, KH Bowen, KH Becker, SE Bradforth, I Carmichael, JV Coe, LR Corrales, JP Cowin, M Dupuis, KB Eisenthal, JA Franz, MS Gutowski, KD Jordon, BD Kay, JA La Verne, SV Lymar, TE Madey, CW Mccurdy, D Meisel, S Mukamel, AR Nilsson, TM Orlando, NG Petrik, SM Pimblott, JR Rustad, GK Schenter, SJ Singer, A Tokmakoff, LS Wang, C Wittig, and TS Zwier. 2005. "Role of Water in Electron-Initiated Processes and Radical Chemistry: Issues and Scientific Advances." Chemical Reviews 105(1):355-389.  doi:10.1021/cr030453x
  • Peden CHF, and D Ray. 2005. Advanced Resources for Catalysis Science; Recommendations for a National Catalysis Research InstitutePNNL-15423, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Laman DM, AG Joly, and D Ray. 2003. "The Structures of Fluorene-(H2O)(1,2) Determined by Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy ." Journal of Chemical Physics 119(4):1970-1977. 


  • More MB, D Ray, and PB Armentrout. 1999. "Intrinsic affinities of alkali cations for 15-crown-5 and 18-crown-6: bond dissociation energies of gas-phase M+-crown ether complexes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 121(2):417-423. 

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