United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
Home > Site Help > Electronic Submittals > Getting Started

Getting Started


To use any of the three existing electronic submission systems, you must first complete the following Steps:

  1. Users must possess a digital certificate issued by the NRC. The pages linked below describe the steps to follow to obtain a digital certificate (free of charge):
  2. Upon your first use of either the Adjudicatory Submissions form or the Criminal History submission form you will be prompted to install an Active X plug-in that enables the digital signing function of the forms. Once the plug-in is installed you will not be prompted to do so again.

    Criminal History Users' Guide

  3. Users of the General Form for submissions will need to install the IBM Forms Viewer on your computer. The software is available at no cost and may be installed by selecting the hyperlink below.

  4. For the Adjudicatory submission system only, you must become a party to a hearing

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, September 10, 2012