United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Certificate Enrollment and Installation

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What must I do prior to enrolling for a VeriSign® Digital ID Certificate?

You need to first contact someone at the NRC in the program area relating to your planned documents submission and be issued an NRC Approval Code. This code is needed in the VeriSign® certificate enrollment process.  Instructions for obtaining an NRC Approval Code are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate.

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How do I enroll for a Digital ID Certificate?

NRC employees and contractors should contact their IT Coordinator and request a Citrix Broadband Digital ID.

NRC customers and stakeholders must first request approval from the appropriate program office then enroll for the digital ID certificate.  Instructions are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate .

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How long will my certificate last?

Certificates are currently issued for a one year period.

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Will I be reminded to renew my certificate before it expires?

Yes. Certificate holders will be sent a reminder email at both one and two weeks prior to expiration of their certificate. These two emails will provide instructions and a website link.

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Is there a charge for Digital ID Certificates?

No.  NRC provides VeriSign® digital ID certificates to its customers without a fee in order to promote secure electronic receipt of documents and secure access to sensitive documents.

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If I don't receive en email reply after enrollment, what should I do?

You should receive an automated email reply message normally within minutes of your enrollment for a certificate. This is only an enrollment receipt acknowledgement.  Within 3 business days you should receive either a VeriSign® certificate approval email message or a VeriSign® certificate rejection message.  If you don't receive either the enrollment receipt email or the approval/rejection email message or are having any other digital id certificate problem send an email to DigitalID.HelpResource@nrc.gov explaining your problem.  You may also call (301) 415-0439 for telephone assistance with digital ID certificate enrollment problems.

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I received a certificate approval and pickup email message, but can't pick up my certificate.  Why?

One reason for not being able to pickup a VeriSign® certificate might be that VeriSign® requires that a certificate be picked up using the same computer from which the certificate was requested via enrollment. This is done by VeriSign® for important security reasons.  Therefore, the user must use the same PC for both enrollment and certificate pickup.  If this isn't your problem, send a help request to DigitalID.HelpResource@nrc.gov explaining your problem.

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My VeriSign® Digital ID Certificate doesn't work.   Why?

First you should make sure your digital ID certificate is installed and available to you from the browser you are using.  Secondly you should make sure the certificate you are using hasn't expired.  Instructions for viewing your digital ID certificate from the Internet Explorer browser are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate.
One reason why a VeriSign® certificate may not work is if the browser doesn't contain all of the needed Intermediate Certification Authorities. One way this can happen is if the user exports the certificate from one PC and imports it to another PC.  With Internet Explorer, Version 6, if the user didn't check the box for: "[X] Include all certificates" during the certificate export process, then the user will be missing the "VeriSign® Class 2 On-Site Individual Certificate Authority (CA)" in their certificate path.  If you no longer have a full copy of your certificate including the needed Intermediate Certificate Authority, then you must revoke this certificate and enroll for a new one.  Instructions for revoking and enrolling for Digital ID Certificates are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate.

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Can NRC staff use Broadband Citrix Certificates instead of External User Certificates?

Yes. The NRC's Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) and NRC's Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD) systems work fine with either the NRC Broadband Citrix certificates or the NRC external customer certificates.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012