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Industry Circulars

Over the years TTB and its predecessor agencies have issued "Industry Circulars" to help industry members understand and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

  • 2008-3 - Non-Compliant Flavored Malt Beverages
  • 2006-1 - Impact of the U.S. / EU Wine Agreement on Certificates of Label Approval for Wine Labels with a Semi-generic Name or Retsina
  • 2004-3 - Alcohol and Tobacco Export Documentation Procedures
  • 2000-1 - Importation of Previously Exported Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes
  • 1994-2 - Country of Origin Certification Requirements for Imported Wines and Distilled Spirits
  • 1993-4 - Rescission of Certificates of Analysis Requirements for Imported Italian Wines
  • 1993-10 - Recession of Certificates of Analysis Requirements for Imported Argentine Wines
  • 1993-12 - Exemption from Mandatory Age Statements for Grappa Brandy (27 C.F.R. 5.40 (b))
  • 1992-1 - Procedures for Importing Italian Wines
  • 1992-2 - Bottling of Bulk Imported Beer
  • 1992-3 -Information for Laboratories Analyzing Wine and Spirits for Export and for Wineries Exporting Wine to the European Economic Community (EEC)
  • 1990-4 - Increase in Federal Excise Tax on Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, and Imported Perfumes
  • 1989-1 - Country of Origin Certification Requirements for Imported Wines and Distilled Spirits
  • 1987-3 - Change in Place of Filing Alcohol, Tobacco and Certain Firearms Tax Returns, Claims and Related Documents
  • 1987-4 - Certificates of Analysis Requirements for Imported Italian Wines
  • 1987-5 - Country of Origin Certification Requirements for Imported Wine and Distilled Spirits
  • 1986-4 - Gauging Imported Spirits
  • 1986-5 - Gray Market (Parallel) Imports
  • 1986-8 - Curios & Relics Update
  • 1986-9 - Product Alert: Methanol Contamination in Italian Wines
  • 1986-10 - Product Alert II: Methanol Contamination in Italian Wines
  • 1986-11 - Polypropylene Liquor Bottles
  • 1986-13 - Certificates of Analysis Denoting Diethylene Glycol Testing of Imported Australian Wines
  • 1986-14 - Procedure for Obtaining Label Approvals for Imported Liqueurs, Cordials, Flavored Spirits and Distilled Gins
  • 1985-1 - Polyethylene Lined Liquor Bottles
  • 1985-2 - Importation of National Firearms Act Curio or Relic Firearms
  • 1985-5 - Polyethylene Containers
  • 1985-12 - Imported Perfumes Tax Increase and Resulting Floor Stocks Tax
  • 1984-6 - Repeal of Stamp Requirement on Containers of Distilled Spirits
  • 1984-7 - ATF Ruling 83-6 is Modified
  • 1983-5 - Dollar Limitation for Display and Retailer Advertising Specialties Increased
  • 1983-6 - Use of Dissimilar Goods as "Free Goods"
  • 1983-7 - Certificate for Distilled Spirits Exported to Italy
  • 1983-13 - Rescission of Revenue Ruling 54-280, Transfer of Certificates of Label Approval
  • 1982-1 - Dollar Limitation for Display and Retailer Advertising Specialties Increase
  • 1982-2 - Imported Sake
  • 1982-12 - Questions and Answers on Unlawful Trade Practices Under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act
  • 1982-14 - Polyethylene Terephthalate Liquor Bottles
  • 1981-2 - Pricing (Alcohol Pricing Type Transactions Under the FFA Act)
  • 1981-3 - Questions and Answers Regarding Ingredient Labeling
  • 1981-4 - Standards of Identity for Vodka
  • 1981-6 - 1980 Trade Consultations with the European Communities
  • 1981-9 - Payment of Tax by Electronic Fund Transfer
  • 1981-11 - Return of Defective Products
  • 1980-4 - Alternate Approval Procedures for Distinctive Liquor Bottles
  • 1980-5 - Label Statements, Advertising, and Analytical Tolerances for Malt Beverages
  • 1980-10 - Standards of Identity for Vodka
  • 1980-13 - Gift and Gratuities
  • 1979-2 - Alternate Recordkeeping, Storage and Special Fireworks
  • 1979-6 - Revision of ATF Form 1649 – Application and Certification of Label Approval Under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act
  • 1979-7 - Distilled Spirits Labels: Labeling Requirements with Respect to Metric Standards of Fill
  • 1979-8 - Use of "Original Proof," "Original Barrel Proof," "Entry Proof," and Barrel Proof" on Distilled Spirits Labels
  • 1979-9 - Participation of Industry Members in Retailer Associations and Trade-Buyer Employee Association Activities
  • 1979-11 - Label Statements, Advertising and Analytical Tolerances for Malt Beverages
  • 1978-6 - Voluntary Disclosure Policy
  • 1978-8 - Wine Labels: Labeling Requirements with Respect to Both Metric Standards of Fill and Statements of Sugar Content for Late Harvest-Type Wines
  • 1978-9 - Shipment of Samples for Laboratory Analysis
  • 1977-2 - Tax on Large Cigars
  • 1977-3 - Changes in Regulations Pursuant to Public Law 94-455
  • 1977-4 - Records and Reports for Large Cigars
  • 1977-5 - Rotation of Wines at Retail Premises
  • 1977-7 - Metric Posters and Cards
  • 1977-8 - Use of Descriptive Terms on Wine Labels
  • 1977-9 - Commercial Bribery
  • 1977-10 - Bottle Strip Stamps
  • 1977-12 - Reports of Wholesale Prices for Large Cigars
  • 1977-13 - Sign of Wholesale Liquor Dealer
  • 1977-14 - Domestic Spirits Transferred to Customs Bonded Warehouse under 26 U.S.C. 5066(a)
  • 1977-15 - Labeling Requirements for Metric Standards of Fill
  • 1977-18 - Ginseng in Alcoholic Beverages
  • 1977-20 - Duplication of Serial Numbers on Imported Firearms
  • 1977-21 - Labeling of EEC Wines
  • 1977-23 - Universal Product Codes
  • 1976-1 - Distinguishing Cigars from Cigarettes
  • 1976-2 - Labeling and Advertising Malt Beverages
  • 1976-4 - Recordkeeping Requirements Pertaining to "Salesman’s Samples" or Distilled Spirits
  • 1976-5 - Sales of Tobacco Products to Individuals Crossing the Border into Canada or Mexico
  • 1976-6 - Proper Evidence of Exportation for Sales of Tobacco Products to Individuals
  • 1976-7 - Alcoholic Beverage Advertising in Airline Inflight, Hotel Inroom Magazines and Similar Publications
  • 1976-10 - Equivalent Net Content Statement Required by 27 CFR 4.37(b)
  • 1976-11 - Interest Rate Adjustment
  • 1976-13 - Use of Plastic Containers for Packaging Wine
  • 1976-15 - Free Goods, Discounts, Rebates, Refunds, and Price Reductions
  • 1976-19 - Manufacture and Use of Plastic Containers
  • 1976-23 - Participation by Industry Members in Retailer Associations and Trade-Buyer Employee Association Activities
  • 1976-25 - Return and Exchange of Distilled Spirits and Wine in U.S. Size Containers for Metric Size Containers
  • 1976-26 - Conversion to 750 ML Fill of Previously Approved 4/5 Quart Distinctive Liquor Bottles
  • 1976-30 - Determination of Wholesale Price of Large Cigars
  • 1975-1 - Penguns Classified as Firearms
  • 1975-2 - Approval of Distinctive Liquor Bottles
  • 1975-5 - Free Goods, Discounts, Rebates, Refunds and Price Reductions
  • 1975-6 - Importation of Ethyl Alcohol for Industrial Purposes
  • 1975-7 - Assignment of Applicant of a Serial Number in Item 4 of Current ATF Form 1649, Application for and Certification of Label Removal, Revised 2.73
  • 1975-9 - Recodification
  • 1975-13 - Standard of Identity for Tequila
  • 1975-14 - Increased Rate of Interest
  • 1975-15 - Bottle Strip Stamps
  • 1975-16 - Unlawful Trade Practices at Ballparks, Racetracks and Stadiums
  • 1975-18 - Crests and Seals Relating to the Government and Armed Forces of the United States
  • 1975-19 - Proposed Metric Standards of Fill for Distilled Spirits
  • 1975-20 - Contracts to Purchase Alcoholic Beverages
  • 1975-21 - Publication of Administrative Actions Taken by ATF
  • 1975-23 - Forms Availability
  • 1974-1 - Free Warehousing Furnished Retailers as Inducements to Make Volume Purchase
  • 1974-2 - Free Goods, Discounts, Rebates, Refunds and Price Reductions
  • 1974-5 - Alternate Method for Issuance of Strip Stamps
  • 1974-7 - Labeling of Cabernet Wine
  • 1974-11 - Environmental Responsibilities
  • 1973-1 - Bottle Strip Stamps
  • 1973-2 - Spanish Wines Labeled with Semi-Generic Designations
  • 1973-3 - Bottle Stamp Strips
  • 1973-4 - Final Environmental Impact Statement on Polyvinyl Chloride Liquor Bottles
  • 1973-5 - Spanish Wines Labeled with Varietal Designations
  • 1973-7 - Changes in Ownership in Control
  • 1973-8 - Rotation of Wines at Retail Premises
  • 1973-9 - Bar Dispensing Equipment
  • 1973-10 - Experimental Packaging of Distilled Spirits in Polyvinyl Chloride Liquor Bottles
  • 1973-14 - Approval of Distinctive Liquor Bottles
  • 1973-16 - Recommendations for DSP Study Group on Records and Reports for Bottling Operations and Statistics
  • 1973-17 - Forms Availability
  • 1973-19 - Products Wrapped in Reconstituted Tobacco
  • 1972-2 - Change in Design of Green Bottled-in-Bond Strip Stamps
  • 1972-5 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Polyvinyl Chloride Liquor Bottles
  • 1972-16 - Experimental Packaging and Marketing of Distilled Spirits in PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles and Non-Rigid Miniature Containers
  • 1972-17 - New Certificates of Origin and Identity for French Distilled Spirits and Wines
  • 1972-22 - Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures in Effect as of July 1, 1972
  • 1972-26 - Proposed Changes in Regulations Issuance of and Accounting for Strip Stamps
  • 1972-27 - Changes in Strip Stamp and Distilled Spirits Stamp Procedures
  • 1972-33 - Experimental Packaging and Marketing of Distilled Spirits in PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles
  • 1972-36 - Use of Plastic Containers for Packaging Wine
  • 1972-37 - Industry Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
  • 1971-7 - Protection of Names of Bourbon Whiskey and Certain French Brandies
  • 1971-8 - Transfer of Imported Spirits to Internal Revenue Bonded Premises
  • 1971-9 - Special Tax Returns, Form 11
  • 1971-11 - Virgin Islands Spirits under Section 5232, I.R.C.
  • 1971-20 - Experimental Packaging and Marketing of Distilled Spirits in PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles and Non-Rigid Miniature Containers
  • 1971-21 - Elimination of Serial Numbers on Strip Stamps
  • 1971-22 - Changes in Regulations Strip Stamps and Case Markings
  • 1971-26 - Experimental Packaging and Marketing of Distilled Spirits in PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles and Non-Rigid Miniature Containers
  • 1970-1 - Amendment and Reissuance of 27 CFR Part 5
  • 1970-2 - Manufacture and Use of Liquor Bottles made of Aluminum, Tinplate, Tinfree Steel and Similar Metals
  • 1970-3 - Trade Practices
  • 1970-5 - Manufacture and Use of Liquor Bottles
  • 1970-8 - Statements of Process for Imported Distilled Gin
  • 1970-9 - Experimental Packaging of Distilled Spirits in Non-Rigid Miniature Containers for Use by Passenger Airlines
  • 1970-10 - Applicability of Standards of Fill and Neutral Spirits Labeling Requirements to Flavored Distilled Spirits Which are Identified in 27 CFR 5.22 as Class 9
  • 1970-13 - Filing of Export Forms Covering Direct Exportations
  • 1970-14 - Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War
  • 1970-23 - Certificates of Origin and Identify for Portuguese "Moscatel De Setural" and Certificates of Origin and Identity and Certificates of Authenticity of Vintage Dates for "Porto", "Oporto" (Port Wines from Portugal)
  • 1970-24 - Illegality of Sales Promotion Contests
  • 1970-32 - Indicia for Liquor Bottles
  • 1970-33 - PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles
  • 1970-34 - PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles
  • 1969-2 - Miscellaneous Amendments to 27 CFR Part 5
  • 1969-3 - Public Law 90-630
  • 1969-7 - Notice Of Extension Of Time Within Which To Revise Labels To Conform With Amendments Contained In Treasury Decision 6973 And For The Resubmission Of Previously Approved Labels As Provided In Industry Circular 68-17
  • 1969-8 - Error On Form 1582 (Rev. 2-69)
  • 1969-15 - Amendment of 26 CFR Part 194
  • 1969-20 - Experimental Packaging and Marketing of Distilled Spirits in PVC Plastic Liquor Bottles
  • 1969-22 - Notice Of Need For Reapproval Of Labels For Wines And Malt Beverages Covered by Certificates Of Label Approval Issued Prior To July 1, 1968
  • 1969-28 - Redesigned Blue Export Strip Stamps For Use On Spirits Bottled In Bond
  • 1969-29 - Amendment of 26 CFR Parts 194 And 201
  • 1968-1 - Exclusion of State and Local Taxes in Computing Federal Tax on Large Cigars
  • 1968-6 - Liquor Bottle Regulations
  • 1968-10 - Proposals For Amendments To 27 CFR Part 5
  • 1968-13 - Amendment Of Liquor Bottle Regulations
  • 1968-17 - Notice Of Revision Of Form Of Certificate Of Label Approval For All Alcoholic Beverages And Of Need For Resubmitting All Labels Relating To Distilled Spirits For Reapproval Notwithstanding Any Approvals Granted Prior to July 1, 1968
  • 1968-20 - Disclosure Of Color Of Table Wines On Applications For Certificates Of Label Approval
  • 1968-21 - Use of Plastics for the Manufacture of Liquor Bottles
  • 1968-27 - Miscellaneous Amendments To 27 CFR Part 5
  • 1968-28 - Importation Of Firearms, Ammunition And Implements Of War
  • 1968-32 - Experimental Packaging and Marketing of Distilled Spirits in Certain Plastic Liquor Bottles
  • 1968-36 - Public Law 90-630
  • 1967-3 - Proposed Hearings Concerning 27 CFR Part 5
  • 1967-7 - Notice Of Proposed Rule Making 27 CFR Part 5
  • 1965-13 - Establishment Of A Distilled Spirits Standards And Labeling Survey Committee
  • 1964-8 - Records of Dispositions
  • 1964-18 - Changes In Liquor Bottle Regulations
  • 1964-20 - Liquor Bottle Indicia
  • 1963-6 - Reporting Imported Cordials, Etc., On Revised Form 2733 (Rev. 1-63)
  • 1963-11 - Amendments To Form 1649, Application For And Certificate Of Label Approval Under The Federal Alcohol Administration Act
  • 1963-14 - Payments For Display Service by Vendors To Retailers (Including State Liquor Commissions Operating Retail Liquor Stores)
  • 1963-15 - Bottling Losses – Imported Spirits
  • 1963-18 - Overprinting of Red Strip Stamps
  • 1963-22 - Packaging Of A Single Cigar
  • 1962-8 - Establishment Of Liquor Law Revision Committee
  • 1962-15 - Availability of Revised Publication Of Tobacco Export Regulations 26 CFR Part 290
  • 1962-22 - Announcing Amendment of Standards of Fill Provisions of Regulations Applicable to Distilled Spirits, and Proposed Change In Its Effective Date
  • 1962-28 - Labeling Of Blended Scotch Whiskey Imported In Bottles
  • 1962-32 - Unfair Competition and Unlawful Practices Under The Federal Alcohol Administration Act
  • 1962-34 - Certificates of Origin and Identity For German Wines
  • 1961-1 - Labeling Of Scotch Whiskey And Irish Whiskey (Produced in Northern Ireland ) Bottled Outside Of The United Kingdom and Sold in the United States
  • 1961-5 - Claims For Losses on Imported Distilled Spirits
  • 1961-15 - Revised Form 96
  • 1961-24 - Certificates Of Origin and Identity for Portuguese "Moscatel De Setubal" and Certificates of Origin And Identity And Certificates Of Authenticity Of Vintage Dates For Portuguese "Port" Wines
  • 1961-25 - Certificates Of Identification and Analysis for French Grape Brandies Other Than Cognac and Armagnac
  • 1961-26 - Proposed New Regulations Covering Importations
  • 1961-28 - Proposed Amendment of Regulations
  • 1961-30 - Certificates of Origin and Identity For Spanish Sherry Wines
  • 1961-35 - Reporting Of Imported Spirits on Form 2730
  • 1961-39 - Importation Regulations 26 CFR Part 275
  • 1961-45 - Notice On Packages of Cigars
  • 1961-47 - Availability of Publications of Regulations 26 CFR Part 270, Manufacture of Tobacco Products And 26 CFR Part 275, Importations
  • 1961-50 - Spanish Champagne
  • 1960-4 - Wholesale Liquor Dealer’s Monthly Reports
  • 1960-5 - Certificates of Origin and Identity for German Wines
  • 1960-9 - Amendment of Regulations in 26 CFR Part 280
  • 1960-20 - Discontinuance of Denominations of Red Strip Stamps
  • 1960-19 - Proposed Amendment of Regulations in 26 CFR Parts 250 and 251
  • 1960-32 - Overprinting Strip Stamps
  • 1960-34 - Wholesale Liquor Dealers’ Records and Reports
  • 1960-36 - Taxes On Large Cigars
  • 1960-41 - Dicontinuance of Denominational Red Strip Stamps
  • 1960-42 - Dicontinuance of Denominational Red Strip Stamps
  • 1960-45 - Wholesale Liquor Dealers’ Records and Reports
  • 1960-47 - Certificates Of Origin And Identity For German Wines
  • 1959-1 - Mark On Packages of Cigars Taxpaid by Return
  • 1959-5 - Certificates of Origin and Identity for French Wines Containing 14% or Less Alcohol by Volume
  • 1959-11 - Qualification of Dealers in Specially Denatured Spirits
  • 1959-28 - Certificates of Origin And Identity And Certificates of Authenticity of Vintage Dates for Spanish Rioja Wines
  • 1959-32 - Return System for Payment of Taxes on Tobacco Products
  • 1959-33 - Payment of Tax on Distilled Spirits and Rectified Products by Return
  • 1959-37 - Draft Of Temporary Rules For Return System For Taxpayment of Tobacco Products
  • 1959-49 - Certificates of Origin And Identity For Wines Exported In Bulk From Countries Prior To Shipment To The United States
  • 1959-53 - Certificates Of Origin And Identity For Hungarian Wines
  • 1959-60 - Disclosure Of Country of Origin On Distilled Spirits Labels
  • 1958-3 - Affixture of United States Internal Revenue Tobacco Products Tax Stamps in Foreign Countries
  • 1958-10 - Recordkeeping Requirements Applicable to Certain Sales Activities
  • 1958-12 - Solicitation of Orders From Liquor Dealers in Mississippi
  • 1958-13 - Importation of Samples of Alcoholic Beverages
  • 1958-14 - Preparation of Form 338 by Wholesalers and Importers
  • 1958-27 - Losses of Alcoholic Liquors Caused by Disasters For The Period January 1, 1955, to September 2, 1958, and For The Period September 3, 1958, to June 30, 1959
  • 1958-35 - Certificates or Origin and Identity And Certificates of Authenticity of Vintage Dates
  • 1957-34 - New Size of Class A, Denomination 10, Cigarette Tax Stamps
  • 1956-18 - Reduction in Size of Class A, Denomination 20. Cigarette Tax Stamps
  • 1955-2 - Use of Certain Shoulder or Strip Labels Not Covered by Certificates of Label Approval
  • 1955-3 - The Use of Conspicuous Net Content Statements on Odd Size Malt Beverage Containers
  • 1955-22 - Foreign Countries in Which United States Internal Revenue Tobacco Products Tax Stamps May be affixed to Tobacco Products Prior to Exportation of Such Products to the United States
  • 1955-25 - Proposed Amendment of 26 CFR Part 194, Liquor Dealers, as Applicable to Records Kept by Wholesale Dealers Handling Wines or Beer
  • 1955-39 - Return of Obsolete Certificates of Label Approval
  • 1954-12 - Preliminary Draft of Proposed Regulations (26 CFR Part 285) Cigarette Papers and Tubes –Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers
  • 1954-16 - Regulations Relating to Liquors and Articles from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
  • 1954-21 - Regulations Relating to the Importation of Distilled Spirits, Wines and Beer
  • 1954-24 - Preliminary Draft of Proposed Regulations (26 CFR Part 275) Manufactured Tobacco—Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers
  • 1954-28 - Regulations Relating to the Restamping of Packages of Distilled Spirits and Redemption of Liquor Stamps
  • 1954-30 - Cigars and Cigarettes Procedure for the Interim from January 1, 1995 Until the Effective Date of Regulations to be Prescribed Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
  • 1954-31 - Manufactured Tobacco Procedure for the Interim from January 1, 1955 Until the Effective Date of Regulations to be Prescribed Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
  • 1954-33 - Cigarette Papers and Tubes Procedure for the Interim from January 1, 1955 Until the Effective Date of Regulations to be Prescribed Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954