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Guide for Implementing Child Care Legislation


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Agency Oversight of the Child Care Subsidy Program

What information should an agency collect for its annual report to OPM?

The required reporting form for OPM can be found at Appendix G of this guide. Below is a summary of the information the agencies should collect on a fiscal year basis:

  • Total amount of funds disbursed;
  • The highest weekly amount awarded;
  • The lowest weekly amount awarded;
  • The average weekly amount awarded;
  • Number of employees who received child care subsidy;
  • Number of employees who received child care subsidy by grade level;
  • Number of children who benefited from child care subsidy;
  • Types of child care used and the total number of centers;
  • Description of how “lower income employee” was defined;
  • Statement of whether the agency placed restrictions on the use of the funds. Please note, agencies may not restrict the child care subsidy program to only accredited child care providers;
  • Information on how the subsidy program was administered.

Regardless of who administers the program, the decision about which model to use for determining eligibility and the amount of the subsidy is the responsibility of the agency.

Regardless of who administers the program, the confidentiality of this information must be guaranteed.


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