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Telework Enhancement Act of 2010

Photo of two people in front of a laptop

The Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 (Act) Adobe Acrobat Version was signed into law on December 9, 2010. The passage and signing of this legislation (Public Law 111-292) was a significant milestone in the history of Federal telework. The Act is a key factor in the Federal Government's ability to achieve greater flexibility in managing its workforce through the use of telework. Well-established and implemented telework programs provide agencies a valuable tool to meet mission objectives while helping employees enhance work/life effectiveness. Specifically, telework: 1) is a useful strategy to improve Continuity of Operations to help ensure that essential Federal functions continue during emergency situations; 2) promotes management effectiveness when telework is used to target reductions in management costs and environmental impact and transit costs; and 3) enhances work-life balance, i.e., telework allows employees to better manage their work and family obligations, retaining a more resilient Federal workforce able to better meet agency goals.

The law specifies roles and responsibilities for the Office of Personnel Management, General Services Administration, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Homeland Security, National Archives and Records Administration, and others, to provide overall guidance to Federal Executive agencies, creating baseline expectations for agency programs and helping agencies implement those programs as effectively as possible.

This segment of the website highlights key elements of the Act and offers practical information of interest to agencies, teleworking employees, managers and supervisors of teleworkers, Telework Managing Officers, telework coordinators and the general public.