Weekly Address Highlights: Marking the Three-Year Anniversary of Senate Dems’ Last Budget

The author of a Republican budget plan said today it addresses the national debt crisis that President Obama and Democrats are ignoring” is how USA TODAY leads its coverage of the Weekly Republican Address, delivered by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI).  The address, ABC News Radio reports, marks “three years since the Democrat-controlled Senate has passed a budget,” a failure of governing that has contributed to the ‘stimulus’ spending binge that is hurting our economy.  Voice of America notes that Chairman Ryan holds President Obama accountable for Senate Democrats’ budget failure, saying he has “’gone into campaign mode instead of offering solutions to the country’s debt problems.”  Below, check out more coverage of the Weekly Republican Address, which you can now readlisten towatch (above), and download.

“AUTHOR OF A REPUBLICAN BUDGET PLAN SAID TODAY IT ADDRESSES THE NATIONAL DEBT CRISIS THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA AND DEMOCRATS ARE IGNORING”: “The author of a Republican budget plan said today it addresses the national debt crisis that President Obama and Democrats are ignoring.  ‘The president is hunkered down in campaign mode, and seems intent on dividing Americans for political gain instead of offering credible solutions to our most pressing fiscal and economic challenges,’ said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., in the weekly Republican radio address.  Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, said the GOP budget will reform the tax code and protect such programs as education and Medicare.” (“Ryan touts GOP budget,” USA TODAY, 4/28/12)

“NOTING THAT THIS WEEKEND WILL MARK THREE YEARS SINCE THE DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED SENATE HAS PASSED A BUDGET”: “In this week’s Republican address, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan accuses President Obama and Democratic leaders of overspending and expresses concern about the nation’s economic future.  … Noting that this weekend will mark three years since the Democrat-controlled Senate has passed a budget, Ryan says, ‘This unserious approach to budgeting has dire consequences for American families.’ …  In Saturday morning’s address, Ryan says the House-approved budget would produce economic growth and opportunities, ‘with bold reforms to the tax code and a credible, principled plan to prevent a debt crisis from ever happening.’” (“GOP Address: Paul Ryan Slams Democrats, Touts ‘Path to Prosperity,’” ABC News Radio, 4/28/12)

“CRITICIZED OBAMA FOR ‘GOING INTO CAMPAIGN MODE’ INSTEAD OF OFFERING SOLUTIONS”: “Representative Paul Ryan from the central state of Wisconsin gave the weekly Republican address.  The chairman of the House Budget Committee criticized Obama for ’going into campaign mode’ instead of offering solutions to the country's debt problems.” (Voice of America, 4/28/12)

“REPUBLICANS THIS WEEK HAVE ACCUSED OBAMA OF TRYING TO DISTRACT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FROM THE ECONOMY … RYAN ADDED TO THAT CHORUS”: “GOPers in Congress, meanwhile, slammed the president in their weekly address for trying to increase taxes to fund bigger government.  ‘The President and his party leaders are now insisting that Washington take trillions of dollars from hardworking Americans in an effort to lock in ever-higher government spending,’ House Budget Chair Rep. Paul Ryan said. … Republicans this week have accused Obama of trying to distract the American public from the economy with pushes on other issues. Ryan added to that chorus in his address.” (POLITICO, 4/28/12)

“CRITICIZED THE DEMOCRATIC-CONTROLLED SENATE FOR NOT PRODUCING A BUDGET”: “In the Republican address, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, criticized the Democratic-controlled Senate for not producing a budget and said Obama has failed to lead the country and put it on a path toward a smaller debt.  ‘The president is hunkered down in campaign mode and seems intent on dividing Americans for political gain instead of offering credible solutions to our most pressing fiscal and economic challenges,’ Ryan said.” (Associated Press, 4/28/12)

“RYAN PROMOTED HIS BUDGET PLAN, WHICH THE REPUBLICAN-LED HOUSE PASSED”: “In the Republican weekly address, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), author of the House Republican budget, criticized the Senate and President Obama for failing to produce a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. … Rep. Ryan blames the Democratic-led Senate's inaction on President Obama.  ‘Regrettably, this president has failed to lead us, to unite us, and to help us address our defining challenges,’ Ryan said.  Ryan promoted his budget plan, which the Republican-led House passed. … ‘It would support safe, responsible energy exploration here at home to address high gas prices and it would repeal the president's health care law, which is making it harder for businesses to hire new workers,’ Ryan said.” (“Rep. Ryan knocks Obama over Senate budget,” CBS News, 4/28/12) 

“USED THE OCCASION TO TOUT” GOP BUDGET & JOBS PLAN: “Ryan used the occasion to tout the bill approved late last month known as the ‘Ryan Plan,’ as well as other proposals that GOP leaders refer to collectively as ‘The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators.’  ‘The Republican-led House has passed a pro-growth budget and nearly 30 jobs bills that are waiting for action in the Senate,’ Ryan said. ‘This week, we passed four more bills relating to stopping cyber-terrorism -- which hurts our economy and costs jobs.’” (CNN, 4/28/12)

“FOCUSED ON THE SLUMPING NATIONAL ECONOMY”: “Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) focused on the slumping national economy in his party's weekly address but said ‘it's not too late to save the American Dream.’ …Ryan claimed that ‘the good news is, there's a better way forward: a budget, recently passed by the House of Representatives, that would lift the debt and free the nation from the constraints of ever-expanding government.’ … Slamming Obama as being ‘hunkered down in campaign mode’ and ‘dividing Americans for political gain,’ Ryan added that ‘we will get back on a path to prosperity -- it is not too late to get this right. But only with the right leadership in place can we renew the American promise of leaving our children a stronger nation than the one our parents left us.’” (NewsCore, 4/28/12)