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Embassy Headlines

  • Special Representative for Global Partnerships Kris Balderston and Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Assistant Secretary Dr. Kerri-Ann Jones
    Special Representative for Global Partnerships Kris Balderston leads U.S. Delegation to Ireland

    On November 14-16, Special Representative Balderston and Assistant Secretary Jones led an Innovation Delegation of entrepreneurs and technology leaders to Ireland and Northern Ireland to explore partnership opportunities that promote science and technology innovation and build connections with the U.S.-Ireland R&D Partnership.   »

  • Representatives from different faiths enjoy the Lunch
    Interfaith Thanksgiving lunch

    Muslim, Jewish, Christian and other religious leaders, as well as representatives from the Hindu and Baha’i faiths, joined Chargé d'affaires Susan Cleary to celebrate diversity and mutual respect at an Interfaith Thanksgiving lunch at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in the Phoenix park.   »

  • Cameron F. Kerry
    Consumer Data Privacy in the United States

    On October 9, 2012, General Counsel of the Department of Commerce, Cameron Kerry visited Ireland. Mr. Kerry is the principal legal advisor to the Secretary of Commerce and third ranking secretarial officer. Mr. Kerry is the Department’s chief ethics officer, and co-chairs the Secretary's Internet Policy Task Force, which brings together Commerce agencies with expertise on the internet in the 21st century global economy.   »

  • Fraud Warning
    U.S. Embassy Dublin Issues Caution About Diversity Visa Email Scams

    The U.S. Embassy in Dublin advises residents of Ireland about a widespread Diversity Visa (DV lottery) scam and to use caution when working with private entities to apply for visas to the United States. Reports of fraudulent emails, websites, and print advertisements offering visa services are on the rise. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone send any money to any address for participation in the DV Lottery.   »