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Federal Smart Grid Initiatives highlights key government-sponsored programs and activities related to the development and modernization of the electric grid in the United States.

Federal Smart Grid Initiatives

U.S. Department of Energy Initiates Multistakeholder Process for Smart Grid Data Privacy

Increased grid intelligence is being implemented throughout the U.S. as part of smart grid deployments and grid modernization efforts. This increased intelligence has led to concerns regarding consumer data access and the privacy of consumer energy consumption data. Historically, utilities have taken very seriously the job of protecting customers’ privacy, and privacy and security protections will remain fundamental objectives. However, with the new technologies being deployed today, these fundamental protections warrant new attention. Consumers must feel secure that their data will be protected and treated responsibly. Therefore, it is important that stakeholders on all sides of the privacy debate work together to address concerns and coordinate activities.

On January 31, 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) hosted the Smart Grid Privacy Workshop to facilitate a dialog among key industry stakeholders. In addition, on February 23, 2012, the White House released the report, Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World: A Framework for Protecting Privacy and Promoting Innovation in the Global Digital Economy (Privacy Blueprint). Outlined in the Privacy Blueprint is a multistakeholder process for developing legally enforceable voluntary codes of conduct that, if adopted by businesses, would instill consumer confidence.

In response to workshop findings and in support of the Administration’s Privacy Blueprint, the Federal Smart Grid Task Force led by DOE OE will facilitate a multistakeholder process to develop a Voluntary Code of Conduct (VCC) for utility and third parties providing consumer energy use services. The VCC will address customer data privacy policies related to information collected—including energy usage information—by and through the developing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) in the United States.

This multi-stakeholder process will be open, transparent, and consensus-driven, and will engage stakeholders through a series of meetings. The first meeting will take place on or about December 6, 2012, in Washington, D.C. The objectives of this meeting will be to determine:

    1. 1) The process and timeline for the development of the VCC, and
      2) The main elements to address within the VCC.

To select an appropriate venue with sufficient space to allow all interested stakeholders to participate, it is necessary to gauge participation levels. In an effort to accommodate all stakeholders, there will also be the option to participate remotely. Please indicate your intention to participate by clicking the appropriate button below. Your selection will not dictate your method of participation, but will only be used to help with meeting planning.

I am interested in attending the DOE Privacy Workshop

on December 6, 2012: