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FOR 2012
[Fed Reg 2012-6870]
OMB No. 1219-0073
Mine Mapping and Records of Opening, Closing, and Reopening of Mines (Formerly, Record of Mine Closures, Opening & Reopening of Mines)
[Fed Reg 2012-6871]
OMB No. 1219-0131
Training, Training Plans, and Records
[Fed Reg 2012-6872]
OMB No. 1219-0120
Occupational Noise Exposure
[Fed Reg 2012-6988]
OMB No. 1219-0040
Independent Contractor Registration and Identification
[Fed Reg 2012-6989]
OMB No. 1219-0119
Diesel- Powered Equipment for Underground Coal Mines
OMB No. 1219-0145
Automatic Fire Sensor and Warning Devices Systems; Examination and Test Requirements
(Formerly Safety Standards Regarding Technical Study Panel Recommendations on the Utilization of Belt Air and the Composition and Fire Retardant Properties of Belt Materials in Underground Coal Mining)
[Fed Reg 2012-9245]
OMB No. 1219-0103
Notification of Methane Detected in Underground Metal and Nonmetal Mine Atmospheres
[Fed Reg 2012-10134]
OMB No. 1219-0004
Roof Control Plans for Underground Coal Mines
[Fed Reg 2012-10135]
OMB No. 1219-0096
Underground Retorts (I-A and I-B mines)
[Fed Reg 2012-10523]
OMB No. 1219-0026
Ground Control for Surface Coal Mines and Surface Work Areas of Underground Coal Mines
[Fed Reg 2012-13228]
OMB No. 1219-0121
Safety Standards for Roof Bolts in Metal and Nonmetal Mines and Underground Coal Mines
[Fed Reg 2012-13400]
OMB No. 1219-0135
30 C.F.R. Sections 57.5060, 57.5065, 57.5066, 57.5070, 57.5071, and 57.5075 Health Standards for Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure (Underground Metal and Nonmetal Mines)
[Fed Reg 2012-15684]
OMB No. 1219-0011
Respirable Coal Mine Dust Sampling
[Fed Reg 2012-17341]
OMB No. 1219-0030
Main Fan Operation and Inspection in Gassy Underground Metal and Nonmetal Mines
[Fed Reg 2012-19012]
OMB No. 1219-0065
Petitions for Modification of Mandatory Safety Standards
[Fed Reg 2012-20307]
OMB No. 1219-0051
Escape and Evacuation Plans for Surface Coal Mines, Surface Facilities and Surface Work Areas of Underground Coal Mines

Previous Years

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