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Atmospheric Science and Global Change
Our researchers are transforming the nation's ability to predict climate change and its impacts. Combining a global field observational system with advanced modeling and laboratory research, PNNL scientists improve scientific understanding of how atmospheric processes and energy technology choices affect greenhouse gas emissions and their consequences. The result: new insights that help leaders manage risks and cope with climate impacts while meeting society's energy demands.

Steven Ghan

Steven Ghan Editor-in-Chief for JGR-Atmospheres

Congratulations to Dr. Steven Ghan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Fellow and climate scientist, for being appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Atmospheres section of the Journal of Geophysical Research(JGR-A). After serving 5 years as an editor, Ghan was appointed by American Geophysical Union's (AGU) Council to lead the journal's editorial direction for the next 4 years. As Editor-in-Chief, Ghan will ensure the journal's consistent strategic direction, lead the editor selection and workload processes, and serve as the journal's ambassador to the scientific community.

Diesel Smoke

Project Won to Lead Black Carbon Research in Russian Arctic

Battelle, which operates Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has won a $1M contract to assess levels of black carbon in the Arctic and test techniques to reduce these greenhouse gas sources. As part of the cooperative agreement with Environmental Protection Agency, over the next 3 years researchers working at the Joint Global Change Research Institute(JGCRI) will provide technical expertise and project management for baseline emissions inventories of black carbon from diesel burning.

Methane Gases

A-Tiskit, A-Tasket, The Greenhouse Gas Basket

It's called the global warming potential or GWP for short. A handy "basket" to bundle the impact of all greenhouse gases on future climate change. Researchers from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, working at the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI), found that increasing the value of methane's importance in the greenhouse gas basket had relatively small impact on the overall outcome of climate change projections. JGCRI is a partnership between PNNL and the University of Maryland.

John Shilling

Caught in the Act: Atmospheric Organic Particles' MO Revealed

Like a talented escape artist, this atmospheric performer has managed to hide its modus operandi—until now. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of California-San Diego have exposed the antics of an organic or carbon-containing compound and how it reacts with water in the atmosphere to complete its escape act. Documenting the particle's MO gives scientists a way to track this atmospheric player and has implications for understanding its warming and cooling effects on the climate.

Mohamad Hejazi

Mohamad Hejazi, Editor of Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering

Congratulations to Dr. Mohamad Hejazi, research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, who was appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Systems Engineering in June 2012

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