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An Official Web Site of the United States Government
Thursday, September 27, 2012


Agency Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Agency

Photo of meeting in conference room

Each participating agency plays a critical role in the orientation of PMFs to the Federal Government, the achievement of their career goals, and their retention in the Federal service. Agencies excepted from the competitive service may participate in the PMF Program using their own appointment authorities, but must follow the PMF Program's Agency Roles and Responsibilities listed below, or their equivalent. Participating agencies agree to:

  • Designate an Agency PMF Coordinator who is responsible for the overall administration and development of the agency program and who serves as the principal contact point for the Program.
  • Work with the Agency PMF Coordinator, human resources staff, and hiring officials to plan program budgets and to project the number of PMF hires in the agency. The agency's Chief Human Capital Officer, or in agencies without a CHCO, the Human Resources Director, will compile this information by October each year and provide to OPM to determine the total number of PMF hires government-wide.
  • Reimburse the PMF Program Office the fee for costs associated with the recruitment, selection, placement, orientation, and graduation of Fellows within 30 days of acceptance of a PMF appointment, or no later than 2 weeks prior to the PMF orientation session. See OPM Form 1616/Charge Card Forms under the Resources page. The reimbursement fee is subject to change.
  • Conduct an agency orientation on mission and structure as early as possible for all newly hired Fellows.
  • Establish policies and criteria for the promotion of Fellows during their PMF fellowships.
  • Certify the Fellow's completion of the Program by the agency's Executive Resources Board (ERB). In agencies without an ERB, the responsibility falls to the senior agency officials who have been given executive resource management and oversight responsibility by the agency head.
  • Convert or appoint Fellows who successfully complete the Program into a full-time, permanent position without further competition.