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Grant Awards

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FY12 Nuclear Education Curriculum Development Program Awards

University Amount Title
Aiken Technical College $192,129 Nuclear Quality Systems Technical Education Project (NQSTEP) [Abstract]
Colorado State University $171,069 Statistical Methods of Health Physicists [Abstract]
Duke University $198,865 New Course Development in Accelerator and Reactor Health Physics under the Duke University/North Carolina State University Health Physics Consortium [Abstract]
Florence-Darlington Technical College $22,992 Power Up: High-Tech Online [Abstract]
Florida International University $200,000 Radiation Physics, Nuclear Measurements and Radiochemistry Curricula Development [Abstract]
Georgia Institute of Technology $158,727 Nuclear Engineering Capstone Design Course [Abstract]
Missouri University of Science & Technology $194,447 Laboratory on Corrosion of Nuclear Materials toward Understanding Aging Mitigation in Light Water Reactors at Missouri University of S&T [Abstract]
San Diego State University $199,661 Environmental Radiation Dose Measurement, Modeling, and Communication [Abstract]
Spartanburg Community College $89,545 Radiation and Nuclear Technology Curricula Enhancement [Abstract]
Syracuse University $200,000 A Broad-Based Nuclear Engineering Track at Syracuse University [Abstract]
The Pennsylvania State University $194,023 Curriculum Development for Nuclear Fuel Chemistry, Reprocessing and Separation Chemistry, and Radioactive Waste Management [Abstract]
Tuskegee University $38,438 Development of a Course on Nuclear Fuel Cycle [Abstract]
University of Dayton $75,626 Development of an Educational Course Centered on Nuclear Power Technology with Emphasis on Space Exploration as a Segment of Energy Program Curricula [Abstract]
University of Idaho $200,000 Course Modules on Management of Aging Power Plant Components and Systems for Enhancement of Nuclear Engineering Program [Abstract]
University of Illinois $200,000 Development of Nuclear Engineering Analytical Measurement Laboratory Courses at the University of Illinois [Abstract]
University of Kansas $199,998 Curriculum Development for Nuclear Engineering: Corrosion and Radiation Effects on Electronic Materials [Abstract]
University of Maryland $100,306 Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory Enhancement at the University of Maryland [Abstract]
University of Pittsburgh $200,000 Course Development to Support Masters of Science Degree Program in Nuclear Engineering [Abstract]
University of Nevada, Las Vegas $198,660 Development of a Nuclear Criticality Safety Education and Training Program at UNLV [Abstract]
University of Tennessee $167,417 Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation & Control (I&C) and Digital I&C Implementation [Abstract]
University of Texas at Austin $50,624 Applications of Nuclear Science and Engineering [Abstract]
University of Texas at San Antonio $199,981 Course Development for a Certificate in Risk and Safety Analysis of Structural Components in Nuclear Facilities [Abstract]
University of Wisconsin $170,458 Curriculum Development for a Course in Detection and Remediation of Radioactive Contaminants in the Environment [Abstract]
Virginia Commonwealth University $199,743 Enhancement of the Radiation Detection and Measurement Laboratory in Support of the Nuclear Engineering Curriculum at Virginia Commonwealth University [Abstract]
Wharton County Junior College $199,280 Nuclear Studies Curriculum Project [Abstract]

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FY12 Trade School and Community College Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Brazosport College $120,000 Brazosport College's Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Central Virginia Community College $149,900 Central Virginia Community College: "Grow Your Own" Nuclear Technology Support Program [Abstract]
Chattanooga State Community College $149,100 Chattanooga State Community College's Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
College of Southern Maryland $146,200 College of Southern Maryland Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Columbia Basin Community College $122,800 Columbia Basin College Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Florence Darlington Technical College $150,000 Florence-Darlington Technical College Power Up Nuclear Scholarships Program [Abstract]
Idaho State University $149,400 ESTEC Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Lakeshore Technical College $120,960 LTC's Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Linn State Technical College $150,000 LSTC NRC Nuclear Education Scholarships [Abstract]
Miami Dade College - Wolfson Campus $122,483 MDC Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Spartanburg Community College $103,582 Spartanburg Community College (SCC) Radiation Protection Technology (RPT) Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Texas State Technical College $149,000 Texas State Technical College Waco Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Wharton Junior College $120,000 Wharton County Junior College Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]

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FY12 Faculty Development Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
City University of New York (CUNY) $353,191 Application of Microfluidic Electrochemistry to Understand Crud Formation and Materials Degradation in Nuclear Energy Applications [Abstract]
Colorado State University $450,000 Radiochemistry Faculty Development at Colorado State University [Abstract]
Jackson State University $413,766 Development of Radiochemistry Education and Research Program at Jackson State University [Abstract]
Louisiana State Univ. $450,000 Faculty Development in Nuclear engineering at LSU [Abstract]
North Carolina State University $385,000 Academic Career Development for a Nuclear Engineering Junior Faculty at North Carolina State University[Abstract]
Southern Polytechnic State Univ. $434,480 Faculty Development Program for Nuclear Generation at Southern Polytechnic State University [Abstract]
University of Illinois $450,000 University of Illinois Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
University of Iowa $449,930 Faculty Development in Radiochemistry at the University of Iowa [Abstract]
University of Missouri - Columbia $450,000 Nuclear Science and Engineering Research and Educational Program in Nuclear Materials at the University of Missouri [Abstract]
University of Missouri S&T $450,000 Missouri S&T Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
University of New Mexico $399,947 University of New Mexico Junior Faculty Development [Abstract]
University of Notre Dame $450,000 Low Energy Nuclear Reactions in Plasma and Accelerator Environments [Abstract]
University of Pittsburgh $385,000 Utilization of NRC Nuclear Regulatory Research Computer Codes in Research and Course Development [Abstract]
University of Tennessee $449,999 The Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program at the University of Tennessee [Abstract]
University of Toledo $345,436 Joint Initiative in a New Type of Nuclear Radiation Detector Through Faculty Development Between the Departments of Radiation Oncology and Physics and Astronomy [Abstract]

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FY12 Scholarship and Fellowship Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Francis Marion University $161,713 Health Physics Scholarship Program at Francis Marion University Name of Institution: Francis Marion University [Abstract]
South Carolina State University $199,992 South Carolina State University Scholarship Program for Nuclear Engineering and Science [Abstract]
Southern Polytechnic St. University $200,000 Undergraduate Nuclear Power Generation Scholarships at Southern Polytechnic State University [Abstract]
University of Houston - Downtown $200,000 Scholarships for Increasing Underrepresented in the Nuclear Industry (SHIUNI) [Abstract]
University of Illinois $176,158 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Nuclear Engineering Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
University of Missouri-Columbia $199,920 The University of Missouri Undergraduate Scholarship Program in Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics [Abstract]
University of Missouri S&T $200,000 Undergraduate Scholarships in Nuclear Engineering at Missouri S&T [Abstract]
University of Pittsburgh $200,000 Undergraduate Scholarship - Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh [Abstract]
University of Utah $92,888 Scholarship Program Supporting New Minor Education In Nuclear Engineering At The University of Utah [Abstract]
City University of New York (CUNY) $400,000 CCNY Nuclear Research Fellowship Program [Abstract]
Clemson University $391,077 Fellowship Education Grant at Clemson University [Abstract]
Duke University $399,249 Health Physics Fellowship Program at Duke University [Abstract]
Georgia Institute of Technology $400,000 The Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Fellowship Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology [Abstract]
Oregon State Univ. $385,395 Oregon State University's Nuclear Fellowship Program [Abstract]
University of Hartford $340,805 University of Hartford/ University of Connecticut Collaborative Nuclear Fellowship Program Applied Research in Radiation Damage and Mitigation [Abstract]
University of Maryland $390,275 The University of Maryland's Graduate Nuclear Engineering Ph.D. Fellowship Program [Abstract]
University of Missouri -S&T $400,000 Graduate Fellowships in Nuclear Engineering at Missouri S&T [Abstract]
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez $361,760 The University of Puerto Rico Fellowship Program in Nuclear Structural Engineering [Abstract]
University of Utah $345,500 Four Year Graduate Fellowship at the University of Utah [Abstract]
University of Wisconsin- Madison $371,317 University of Wisconsin-Madison - Scholarship and Fellowship Education Grant [Abstract]
Utah State University $400,000 Nuclear Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program at Utah State University [Abstract]
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University $396,469 The Virginia Tech Nuclear Engineering Fellowship Program [Abstract]

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FY11 Minority Serving Institutions Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Alabama A&M University $90,000.00 Project NERVE Nuclear Education and Research Vertical Enhancement [Abstract]
Blackfeet Community College $100,000.00 Development of AS Degree Programs in Civil & Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering Technology and Civil Engineering Technology [Abstract]
Chief Dull Knife Community College $25,000.00 Research Lab Infrastructure Development [Abstract]
City College of New York $100,000.00 Nuclear Research Opportunities Program (NY-NROP) – The Research Foundation CUNY [Abstract]
College of Menominee Nations $150,000.00 The Presidential STEM Leadership Program for Native American students [Abstract]
Columbia Basin College $90,000.00 Nuclear Technology Outreach and Retention Program [ORP] [Abstract]
Florida A&M University $90,000.00 Radiation Protection Education and Research at Florida A&M University [Abstract]
Fort Valley State University $100,000.00 Cooperative Development Energy Program (CDEP) [Abstract]
Heritage University $50,000.00 Yakima Valley Nuclear Technology Program Development Project [Abstract]
Howard University $100,000.00 Development of a New Course of Nuclear Power with Emphasis on Safety-Critical Application in Digital Instrumentation and Control [Abstract]
Jackson State University $51,753.00 Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Nuclear Technology Through Large Scale Simulation and Modeling [Abstract]
Meharry Medical College $50,000.00 Educational and Research Interventions for the NRC [Abstract]
Navajo Technical College $100,000.00 Development of BS Degrees in Computer & Environmental Engineering; Development of GeoSpatial Engineering Program [Abstract]
Norfolk State University $100,000.00 Increasing the Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Students in STEM Majors through Nuclear Safety Research [Abstract]
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Inc. $764,247.00 HBCU Research Participation Program [Abstract]
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico $100,000.00 PUPR Fellowship to Increase Research and Education in NRC Related Areas in Puerto Rico [Abstract]
South Carolina State University $150,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Program Activities [Abstract]
Tennessee State University $20,000.00 MSI Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Conference support [Abstract]
Texas A&M Corpus Christi $50,000.00 TAMUCC Nuclear Workforce Development Scholarships and Enhancement Program [Abstract]
Texas A&M Kingsville $50,000.00 TAMUK Integrated Assessment of Uranium Mining Environmental Impacts and Restoration Effectiveness Program [Abstract]
Tuskegee University $110,000.00 Freshman Accelerated Start-Up & Training for Retention in Engineering Curricula [Abstract]
United Tribes Technical Colleges $100,000.00 Development of Associate of Applied Science Degree program in Environmental Pre-Engineering and Computer Information Technology [Abstract]
University of Houston Downtown $50,000.00 Increasing Underrepresented in the Nuclear Industry (NRC HSI/MSI/IUNI Program) [Abstract]
University of Texas El Paso $20,000.00 University of Texas El Paso - On Campus Summer Employment Support Program [Abstract]
University of Texas Permian Basin $105,000.00 Nuclear Energy Education Program [NEEd II] [Abstract]
Wilberforce & Central State University $70,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Education: Upgrade from Minor to Major in Nuclear Engineering Program [Abstract]
Xavier University $90,000.00 NRC Science Scholars [Abstract]

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FY11 Nuclear Education Curriculum Development Program Awards

University Amount Title
Augusta Technical College $129,929.00 Enhancing Nuclear Workforce Training Through the Development of Courses Designed to Train the Next Generation of Skilled Nuclear Workers [Abstract]
Bismarck State College $123,000.00 Development of a Generic Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Simulator for the Bismarck State College (BSC) Nuclear Technology Program Online Simulation Environment to Improve Nuclear Education Infrastructure [Abstract]
College of Charleston $56,875.00 Enhancement of the Undergraduate Nuclear and Radiochemistry Curriculum through the Development of Radiochemistry Laboratory Experiments [Abstract]
College of Southern Maryland $128,183.00 Nuclear Engineering Technology Program Development (Electrical and Mechanical Pathways) [Abstract]
Colorado School of Mines $210,000.00 Nuclear Science and Engineering Program at the Colorado School of Mines – Dosimetry and Measurement Techniques Curricular Content [Abstract]
Columbia Basin College $117,090.00 Columbia Basin College (CBC) Non-Licensed Operator Curriculum Development Program [Abstract]
The George Washington University $301,461.00 The Science of Nuclear Materials: Development of a Modular, Laboratory-Based Curriculum to Explore the Properties of Nuclear Materials [Abstract]
Georgia Institute of Technology $135,768.00 Risk/Reliability Analysis Technology Infusion in Support of Engineering Education and the Workforce [Abstract]
Idaho State University $144,858.00 Revitalizing the Nuclear Safety Curriculum at Idaho State University (ISU): Phase 2 [Abstract]
Kansas State University $184,791.00 Development of a Distance Education Course Sequence on Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Fire Protection [Abstract]
Lakeshore Technical College $78,044.00 Lakeshore Technical College's (LTC's) Nuclear Technology Curriculum Project [Abstract]
Louisiana State University $279,035.00 Welding and Nondestructive Evaluation Technology for Nuclear Engineering Applications [Abstract]
The Ohio State University $94,977.00 Development of a Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory Course Utilizing Personnel and Physical Resources of the Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (OSU NRL) [Abstract]
Onondaga Community College $161,377.00 Building Academic Pathways to Careers in Nuclear Engineering Technology and Beyond [Abstract]
Salem Community College $45,270.00 Expanding New Jersey's Nuclear Technology Workforce [Abstract]
Texas A&M University-College Station $70,982.00 Health Physics Dose Assessment Practices During Radiological Emergency Response [Abstract]
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi $150,000.00 Curriculum and Laboratory Development on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis with Application to Nuclear Power Generation [Abstract]
Texas A&M University-Kingsville $226,842.00 Development of a Nuclear Engineering Minor Program within the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A&M University-Kingsville [Abstract]
Thomas Edison State College $200,300.00 Increasing Access and Decreasing Time to Earn an ABET Accredited Baccalaureate Degree for Current and Future Nuclear Energy Workers [Abstract]
The University of Georgia $298,598.00 Georgia/South Carolina (GA/SC) Regional Environmental Radiation Protection Curriculum [Abstract]
University of Hartford $121,560.00 Use of Physical and Computer Models to Enhance Learning for Nuclear Power Plant Design and Operation [Abstract]
University of Maryland $109,500.00 Course Modules in Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reactor Systems [Abstract]
University of Massachusetts-Lowell $130,052.00 Development of a Graduate Reactor Experiments Course at University of Massachusetts-Lowell [Abstract]
University of Missouri-Columbia $124,366.00 Development of a Course on Reprocessing, Recycle Chemistry and Technology [Abstract]
University of Nebraska-Lincoln $143,125.00 Collaborative Distance Education Course on Radiation and Dosimetry in Nuclear Health Physics [Abstract]
University of Nevada-Reno $82,916.00 Development of Nuclear Materials Engineering and Combustion Courses at the University of Nevada-Reno [Abstract]
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $83,782.00 Introducing Nuclear Geology: Course Modules and Student Research Using Gamma Spectrometry [Abstract]
University of South Carolina $135,263.00 A Course on Risk Analysis with Application to the Current and New Nuclear Plants and Fuel Cycle Facilities [Abstract]
University of Southern California $200,000.00 New Graduate Program Development in Nuclear Engineering Delivered via the University of Southern California (USC) Distance Education Network (DEN) [Abstract]
University of Tennessee $59,728.00 End-to-End Lattice Physics to Core Design Educational Modules for Nuclear Fuel Management Training [Abstract]
University of Texas at Arlington $191,150.00 Development and Deployment of Web-Based Interactive Thermal-Hydraulics Educational Modules for the Nuclear Engineering Minor Program [Abstract]
Virginia Tech. $82,218.00 Continued Development of Online Distance Learning Courses for a Nuclear Engineering Master's Degree [Abstract]

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FY11 Faculty Development Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Colorado School of Mines $450,000.00 Colorado School of Mines Nuclear Science and Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
Missouri University of Science and Technology $412,230.00 Missouri S&T Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program (2011-2014) [Abstract]
Ohio State University $450,000.00 Ohio State University Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
Penn State $450,000.00 Pennsylvania State University's Faculty Development Grant: Education and Research Related to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle [Abstract]
Purdue University $300,000.00 Nuclear Education Program Faculty Development Grant Program[Abstract]
University of California-Irvine $390,000.00 University of California Irvine Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
University of Illinois $450,000.00 University of Illinois Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
University of Massachusetts-Lowell $450,000.00 Faculty Development in Nuclear Science and Engineering at UML [Abstract]
University of Michigan $450,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program at the University of Michigan [Abstract]
University of Missouri-Columbia $298,377.00 University of Missouri-Columbia Radiochemistry Faculty Development Program In Actinide Chemistry [Abstract]
University of Nevada-Reno $449,393.00 University of Nevada, Reno Faculty Development Program in Nuclear Materials [Abstract]
University of South Carolina $450,000.00 University of South Carolina Nuclear Engineering Faculty Excellence Program [Abstract]

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FY10 Minority Serving Institutions Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Alabama A&M University $90,000.00 Project NERVE – Nuclear Education and Research Vertical Enhancement [Abstract]
Albany State University $50,000.00 Nuclear Power Plant Workforce Development [Abstract]
Chief Dull Knife Community College $25,000.00 Research Lab Infrastructure Development [Abstract]
City College of New York $110,000.00 Nuclear Research Opportunities Program (NY-NROP) – The Research Foundation CUNY [Abstract]
College of Menominee Nations $85,000.00 The Presidential STEM Leadership Program for Native American Students [Abstract]
Columbia Basin College $90,000.00 Outreach and Retention Program [Abstract]
Florida A&M University $16,000.00 Florida A&M University Preparation for Research Experience for Undergraduates. (Nuclear Science and Engineering Project) [Abstract]
Florida A&M University $90,000.00 Radiation Protection Education and Research at Florida A&M University [Abstract]
Fort Valley State University $110,000.00 Cooperative Development Energy Program (CDEP) [Abstract]
Heritage University $90,000.00 Yakima Valley Nuclear Technology Program Development Project [Abstract]
Howard University $110,000.00 Development of a New Course of Nuclear Power with Emphasis on Safety-Critical Application in Digital Instrumentation and Control [Abstract]
Jackson State University $90,000.00 Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Nuclear Technology Through Large Scale Simulation and Modeling [Abstract]
Meharry Medical College $50,000.00 Educational and Research Interventions for the NRC [Abstract]
Miami Dade College $89,893.00 Nuclear Career Academic Bridge (N-CAB) [Abstract]
Norfolk State University $90,000.00 Increasing the Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Students in STEM Majors through Nuclear Safety Research [Abstract]
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Inc. $701,998.00 HBCU Research Participation Program [Abstract]
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico $34,543.00 PUPR Research Laboratory Equipment Support [Abstract]
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico $90,000.00 PUPR Fellowship to Increase Research and Education in MRC Related Areas in Puerto Rico [Abstract]
South Carolina State University $65,457.00 Nuclear Engineering Program Activities [Abstract]
Tennessee State University $30,000.00 MSI Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Conference support [Abstract]
Texas A&M Corpus Christi $90,000.00 TAMUCC Nuclear Workforce Development Scholarships and Enhancement Program [Abstract]
Texas A&M Kingsville $50,000.00 TAMUK Integrated Assessment of Uranium Mining Environmental Impacts and Restoration Effectiveness Program [Abstract]
University of Houston Downtown $90,000.00 Increasing Underrepresented in the Nuclear Industry (NRC HIS/MSI/UNI Program) [Abstract]
University of Texas El Paso $20,500.00 University of Texas El Paso - On Campus Summer Employment Support Program [Abstract]
University of Texas Permian Basin $115,000.00 West Texas Energy Education Project (Need) Nuclear Energy Education) [Abstract]
Wilberforce & Central State University $110,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Education [Abstract]
Xavier University $90,000.00 NRC Science Scholars [Abstract]

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FY10 Nuclear Education Curriculum Development Program Awards

University Amount Title
Florence-Darlington Technical College $139,642.00 Power Up – Construction and Maintenance of New and Aging Nuclear Power Plants in the Southeast: Valve Technician Program [Abstract]
The Ohio State University $180,000.00 Application of Full-Scope Nuclear Power Plant Simulator in Nuclear Engineering Courses [Abstract]
The University of Tennessee $48,121.00 Fire Modeling for Nuclear Engineering Professionals [Abstract]
University of Pittsburgh $102,798.00 Development of a Desktop Nuclear Plant Operations Simulator for Graduate and Undergraduate Education [Abstract]
Stevens Institute of Technology $186,081.00 Development of a Practice-Oriented Graduate Certificate Program in Nuclear Power Engineering [Abstract]
Missouri University of Science and Technology $125,000.00 Creation of a Radiochemistry Teaching Program in Nuclear Engineering [Abstract ]
University of Missouri-Columbia $99,886.00 Development of Educational Infrastructure in the Area of Nuclear Security [Abstract]
Aiken Technical College $150,000.00 NSTEP2—Nuclear Sector Technician Education and Placement Project [Abstract]
Oregon State University $100,000.00 Curriculum Enhancement through Development of Courses in the Technical Subspecialties of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics [Abstract]
Kansas State University $160,000.00 Online Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (1LAB): Virtual Reactor Experiments [Abstract]
University of Cincinnati $118,342.00 Development of a Nuclear Engineering Track for Undergraduate Students in Mechanical Engineering Technology [Abstract]
Midlands Technical College $198,665.00 Nuclear Systems Technician Curriculum Redevelopment Project [Abstract]
Idaho State University $87,072.00 Infrastructure Improvement for Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics Laboratory Instrumentation [Abstract]
University of Maryland $100,000.00 Course Modules in Risk-Based Materials Corrosion Education [Abstract]
Augusta Technical College $121,500.00 Innovations in Nuclear Workforce Training: An Industry-Focused Approach for Developing the Next Generation of Skilled Nuclear Workers [Abstract]
Columbia Basin College $100,000.00 Radiological Protection Technology Development Program [Abstract]
Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College $141,313.00 Developing a Joint Radiation Protection Program for Health Physics Technicians and Managers [Abstract]
University of Kansas Center for Research $150,000.00 Innovative Nuclear Engineering Materials and Corrosion Modules for Enhancement and Expansion of the U.S. Nuclear Engineering Educational Infrastructure [Abstract]
California Polytechnic State University $101,766.00 Thermal Sciences for Fire Protection Engineers [Abstract]
University of Massachusetts-Lowell $129,000.00 Curriculum Development for Radiological Sciences Program [Abstract]
Drexel University $150,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Education Lab [Abstract]
Southern Polytechnic State University $89,042.00 New Generation Nuclear Power Plant Cranes and Heavy Lifts [Abstract]
Virginia Commonwealth University $140,000.00 Development of Undergraduate and Graduate Nuclear Instrumentation and Simulation Laboratories [Abstract]
Virginia Tech $65,527.00 Development of Online Distance Learning Courses for a Graduate Nuclear Engineering Certificate [Abstract]
Purdue University $120,000.00 Development of Curriculum in Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Reliability, and Risk Analysis [Abstract]
University of Florida $150,000.00 Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation and Control and Digital I&C Implementation [Abstract]
Southern University A&M College $120,000.00 Nuclear Education Curricula Development Program (NECDP) [Abstract]
Prairie View A&M University $120,000.00 Development of Nuclear Option for Engineering and Science Majors [Abstract]
Louisiana State University $150,000.00 Curriculum Development in Health Physics and Nuclear Engineering [Abstract]
Florida Memorial University $111,117.00 The Improvement of the Nuclear Laboratory Curriculum Program [Abstract]
Indian River State College $120,000.00 Nuclear Power Plant Technician Program [Abstract]
Alabama A&M University $120,000.00 Nuclear Education and Outreach Program [Abstract]
The City College of New York $150,000.00 Introducing a Nuclear Engineering Concentration [Abstract]
Clemson University $163,193.00 Development of Coupled Online and Hands-On Radiation Detection and Radiochemistry Laboratory Courses [Abstract]
Polytechnic Institute of NY $151,935.00 Development of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Minor in Nuclear Science and Engineering [Abstract]
University of Texas at Austin $120,000.00 Summer Nuclear Engineering Institute [Abstract]
University of Rhode Island $120,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Education Program [Abstract]

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FY10 Trade School and Community College Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Aiken Technical College $53,000.00 Aiken Technical College Nuclear Sector Technician Education Program (NSTEP) Scholarships [Abstract]
Brazosport College $120,000.00 Brazosport College's Nuclear Education Scholarship Program - TexANS (Texans Accessing Nuclear Science) Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Central Piedmont Community College $120,000.00 National Nondestructive Examination (NDE) – Ultrasonic Testing Fast Track Partnership, East Center – Central Piedmont Community College [Abstract]
Columbia Basin Community College $120,000.00 Columbia Basin College Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
College of Southern Maryland $130,654.00 The College of Southern Maryland's (CSM) Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Dakota County Technical College $107,000.00 Nuclear Technician Scholarship Project: A Partnership between Dakota County Technical College & Xcel Energy [Abstract]
Delaware County Community College $90,000.00 Delaware County Community College Nuclear Energy Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Florence Darlington Technical College $150,000.00 Professional Pipe Welders: Safety and Security in the Nuclear Welding Industry [Abstract]
Idaho State University $89,000.00 Idaho State University's College of Technology Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Indian River State College $90,000.00 Indian River State College's Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Lake Michigan College $90,000.00 Lake Michigan College Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Lakeshore Technical College $149,472.00 LTC's Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Linn State Technical College $150,000.00 LSTC NRC Nuclear Education Scholarships [Abstract]
Midlands Technical College $150,000.00 The Nuclear Systems Technician Scholarship Program [Abstract]
MiraCosta Technical College $150,000.00 MiraCosta College Nuclear Technology Scholarship Program [Abstract ]
New Mexico Junior College $78,000.00 New Mexico Junior College Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Ridgewater College $90,000.00 Ridgewater College Nuclear Scholarship Program for the National Nondestructive Examination Ultrasonic Fast-Track Partnership [Abstract]
St. Cloud Technical College $110,000.00 Nuclear Technician Scholarship Project: Executive Summary A Partnership between St Cloud [Abstract]
Wharton County Junior College $120,000.00 Nuclear Education Scholarship Program for 2010-11 [Abstract]

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FY10 Faculty Development Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Clemson University $400,000.00 Junior Nuclear Environmental Engineering and Science Faculty at Clemson University [Abstract]
Drexel University $448,811.00 Drexel University Faculty Development Program in Nuclear Materials Science: Design and Characterization of Radiation-Tolerant Alloys Using Multiscale Grain Boundary Engineering and Advanced Microscopy Methods [Abstract]
Kansas State University $345,000.00 Establishment of a Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development and Assistance Program at Kansas State University [Abstract]
Louisiana State University $450,000.00 Faculty Development in Health Physics at Louisiana State University [Abstract]
Missouri University of Science and Technology $449,605.00 Missouri S&T Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
North Carolina State University $450,000.00 Academic Development Program for a Junior Faculty in NC State's Department of Nuclear Engineering [Abstract]
The Ohio State University $450,000.00 Ohio State University Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]
Texas A&M University $375,000.00 Texas A&M Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Project [Abstract]
Texas Southern University $162,342.00 Faculty Support for Developing Radiation Dosimetry Research in Health Physics using Monte Carlo Techniques at Texas Southern University [Abstract]
University of Florida $450,000.00 UF-NRC-10 Faculty Development [Abstract]
University of Pittsburgh $450,000.00 Faculty Development Proposal [Abstract]
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez $352,685.00 UPRM Faculty Development Program: Empowering UPRM for the Nuclear resurgence [Abstract]
University of Tennessee $316,578.00 The Faculty Development Program at the University of Tennessee [Abstract]
University of Texas-Austin $430,830.00 A Junior Faculty Development Program in Nuclear Energy Systems at The University of Texas at Austin [Abstract]
University of Utah $300,000.00 Award for a Junior Faculty Development at The University of Utah Nuclear Engineering Program [Abstract]
Virginia Commonwealth University $450,000.00 VCU Nuclear Engineering Faculty Development Program [Abstract]

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FY10 Scholarship and Fellowship Grant Program Awards

University Amount Title
Florida Memorial University $199,928.00 Florida Memorial University Radiobiology Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Georgia Institute of Technology $200,000.00 Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Scholarship Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology [Abstract]
Idaho State University $172,150.00 Idaho State University Nuclear Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Missouri University of Science & Technology $100,000.00 Undergraduate Scholarships in Nuclear Engineering at Missouri S&T (2010-2012) [Abstract]
Polytechnic Institute of New York $129,600.00 Polytechnic Institute of New York University Nuclear Scholarship Program [Abstract]
Prairie View A&M University $199,962.00 Prairie View Scholarship Program to Enhance Minority Participation in the Nuclear Field [Abstract]
Southern Polytechnic State University $200,000.00 Undergraduate Nuclear Power Generation Scholarships at Southern Polytechnic State University [Abstract]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $200,000.00 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Nuclear Engineering Education Scholarship Program [Abstract]
University of Michigan $200,000.00 Undergraduate Nuclear Engineering Scholarship Program at the University of Michigan [Abstract]
University of Rhode Island $100,000.00 Nuclear Engineering Program for Rhode Island [Abstract]
Colorado School of Mines $368,425.00 Colorado School of Mines Nuclear Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program [Abstract]
Colorado State University $358,771.00 Colorado State University Health Physics Fellowship Program [Abstract]
The Ohio State University $200,000.00 Ohio State University Fellowship Program [Abstract]
Pennsylvania State University $386,156.00 The Pennsylvania State University Nuclear Education Fellowship Program [Abstract]
Purdue University $395,200.00 Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics Fellowship Program at Purdue University [Abstract]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute $400,000.00 RPI Nuclear Fellowship Program [Abstract]
University of California – Berkeley $200,000.00 UC Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program [Abstract]
University of Idaho $200,000.00 Graduate Fellowships in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Idaho [Abstract]
University of Massachusetts - Lowell $400,000.00 UML Graduate Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics [Abstract]
University of Missouri – Columbia $399,993.00 University of Missouri Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics: Advanced Modeling and Simulation [Abstract]
University of Nevada – Reno $399,997.00 The University of Nevada, Reno Fellowship Program in Materials and Thermal Science for Nuclear Power [Abstract]
University of South Carolina $381,016.00 University of South Carolina Next Generation Nuclear Engineer Fellowship Program [Abstract]
University of Wisconsin – Madison $370,849.00 Graduate Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering [Abstract]
Vanderbilt University $399,976.00 Vanderbilt Fellowship Nuclear Program [Abstract]

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FY09 Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) Financial Assistance Program Awards

University Amount Title
University of Tennessee $129,780.00 Tennessee Seismic Zone Pilot Study
American Nuclear Society $225,000.00 Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Consensus Standards
Maryland, University of $666,856.00 Human Reliability Analysis for application to nuclear power plant Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSA)
Pennsylvania State University $117,802.00 OECD/NRC PSBT Benchmark Based on NUPEC PWR Subchannel and Bundle Tests
EPRI, Electric Power Research Inst. $512,000.00 Central and eastern United States (CEUS) Seismic Hazard Update Project
ASME Standard Technology LLC $225,000.00 Support for ASME Committee on Nuclear Risk Management
University South Carolina $170,000.00 Joint Time-Frequency Domain Reflectometry for Cable Diagnostics & Prognostics nuclear power plants development & maintenance of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Standards
National Academy of Sciences $25,000.00 Grant to the Committee on Geological & Geotechnical Engineering (COGGE) Geological Engineering
National Academy of Sciences $35,000.00 Partial Support of Subsurface Characterization Monitoring and Remediation of Fractured Porous Media
ASME Standard Technology LLC $173,381.38 NDE and INSERVC Inspection Tech

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, September 19, 2012