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Download DCAM Supplier Files


To prevent partial updates to the catalog, follow these steps to make sure all files have been downloaded to the computer before processing:

  1. Click Transfers from the menu bar then click via Network in the drop-down menu. A new window will appear.
  2. In the Select an Account window, click the appropriate network account and click Connect.
  3. In the Network Transfer Manager window, select the appropriate file name from the list and click Get Supplier Files.
  4. When the files are done loading the DCAM Informational Message window will appear. Before clicking OK, look at the bottom left corner of the DCAM window to make sure 6 Supplier Files appears. If there are fewer than six files listed, not all of the files have downloaded.
    1. If all the files have downloaded, click OK in the DCAM Informational Message window.
    2. If not all of the files have downloaded repeat steps 1 through 3.
  5. Click Disconnect in the Network Transfer Manager window.
  6. Click Close in the Network Transfer Manager window.
  7. From the DCAM Informational Message window double-click 6 Supplier Files in the lower left corner of the screen.
  8. Click on all the files listed in the Process Incoming Files window, then click the Process to import the files.

NOTE: Delete the downloaded files once they have been successfully processed.

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