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Battle Rhythm for DCAM Level 2 Systems to TAMMIS/TEWLS

Prerequisite: User must have a DCAM Level 2 system connected directly to TAMMIS

  1. Send orders no later than 1600 hours local time. TAMMIS runs two processes every day, one at 1200 hours and another at 1700 hours. The process at 1200 hours only uploads files sitting in the orders folder. At 1700 hours, the system uploads orders, processes orders and prints Material Release Orders (MROs) to be pulled.
  2. Download status files (Status.Z) daily between 1030-1130 hours local time. Status.Z files are overwritten daily.
  3. Do not download the status earlier than 1030 hours local time to allow DCAM Level 1 customers to pull the status generated from the DCAM Level 2 processes.

    NOTE: To obtain the status of orders submitted the day before, or view an updated status on a previously submitted order, users must download status files every morning.

    The most common status codes are (code – description):

    • BA: Item is being processed for shipment (item is ready for pickup or on the way)
    • BB: Item is back ordered (against due-in stock)
    • BM: Requisition has been passed (to another supplier)
    • BD: Requisition is delayed for review [referred out for review by the Item Manager: order exceeded the maximum release quantity (MRQ), order non-stocked item, item under issue control, item not authorized per the formulary]
    • BZ: Requisition is being process for direct delivery [item is being process by a different supply support activity (SSA)]
    • BJ: Issue quantity changed (The SSA has reduced or increased the quantity requested to match a package size. You order 10 items but 12 come in a box.)
    • BQ/C_: Request has been cancelled or rejected for various reasons
    NOTE: If you do not receive a status for Open Orders, call customer support because there is a problem with the system. Ask customer support to check the TAMMIS Edit/Error Report.
  4. If operational tempo allows, process all new receipts within 24 or 48 hours of receiving items. DCAM will generate a notification of receipt (DRA) transaction and it will display in the Working Orders module. Do not delete this transaction. Send the DRA(s) with the next Transfer.
  5. Backup files daily.
  6. Download supplier files (catalog) at least once every week.
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