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Policy Links - Office of Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis

Date Published: March 07 2011

This list of communications policy sites is not exhaustive but should provide a useful starting point for research on communications issues. These links are provided for informational purposes only. Neither OSP nor the FCC endorses any of the sites listed here or the views expressed therein.

Academic Research

  • APPC — Annenberg Public Policy Center at Univ. of Pennsylvania
  • USC Annenberg — Annenberg School for Communication at the Univ. of Southern California
  • CALIT2 — California Institute for Telecommunications & Information Technology
  • CERT — Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mellon Univ. in Pittsburgh
  • CFP — Communications Futures Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • CITI — Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, a research center at Columbia Univ.
  • IRT — Internet Real-Time Lab at Columbia Univ., does research onInternet and multimedia services
  • ITP — InterdisciplinaryTelecommunications Program at the Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
  • IU — Indiana Univ. Telecommunications Program
  • PURC — Public Utility ResearchCenter at the Univ. of Florida
  • SIS — School of InformationScience, Telecom & Networking Program, Univ. of Pittsburgh
  • TPRC — TelecommunicationsPolicy Research Conference

Government Organizations

  • FTC — Federal Trade Commission
  • ITU — International Telecommunications Union, a United Nationsagency for communication issues
  • NARUC — National Association Regulatory Utility Commissioners
  • NATOA — National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors
  • NTIA — National Telecommunication and Information Administration
  • USDOJ — US Department of Justice,  Anti Trust Division

Internet Groups

  • APNG — Asia Pacific Networking Group, promotes Internet andnetwork interconnectivity
  • Cybertelecom — analyzes federal Internet law and policy
  • DNRC — Domain Name Rights Coalition
  • FISPA — Federation of Internet Solution Providers of the Americas
  • IAB — Internet Architecture Board
  • IANA — Internet Assigned Number Authority
  • ICANN — Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
  • IETF — Internet Engineering Task Force
  • ISOC — Internet Society
  • Netcaucus — Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus
  • USIIA — US Internet Industry Association
  • VON — Voice on the Net Coalition, an alliance of Internet voice providers
  • W3C — World Wide Web Consortium, develops interoperable specifications and guidelines

Professional Groups

  • ABAnet — American Bar Association Forum on Communications Law
  • FCBA — Federal Communications Bar Association
  • ILPF — Internet Law and Policy Forum
  • ITechLaw — International Technology Law Association
  • SBE — Society of Broadcast Engineers, a nonprofit professionalorganization

Public Interest Groups

  • ACLU — American Civil Liberties Union
  • Benton Foundation — is a private foundation working on media and telecom issues
  • CDT — Center For Democracy and Technology
  • CPSR — Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
  • EFF — Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • EPIC — Electronic Privacy Information Center
  • MAP — Media Access Project is an advocate for open and diversemass media
  • NENA — National Emergency Number Association
  • PFF — Progress and Freedom Foundation, studies issues withemphasis on technological change
  • Phoenix Center — studies broad public policy issues with emphasis on telecom matters

Telecom Associations & Consortia

  • APAN — Asia-Pacific Advanced Network is a non-profit internationalconsortium
  • APCO — Association of Public Safety Communications Officials,International
  • ATIS — Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, helpsdevelop industry standards
  • CableLabs — Cable Television Laboratories is a non-profit researchand development consortium
  • COMPTEL — represents competitive communications service providersand their supplier partners
  • CTIA — Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
  • EWA — Enterprise Wireless Alliance
  • ITI — Information Technology Industry Council
  • NAB — National Association of Broadcasters
  • NCTA — National Cable & Telecommunications Association
  • NECA — National Exchange Carriers Association
  • NRTC — National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative,represents rural utilities and their affiliates
  • NTCA — National Telecommunications Cooperative Association
  • OPASTCO — Organization for the Promotion & Advancement of SmallTelecommunications Companies
  • PCIA — the Wireless Infrastructure Association
  • TIA — Telecommunications Industry Association
  • USTelecom — association representing broadband service providers andmanufacturers
  • UTC — UtilitiesTelecom Council, represents electric, gas, and waterutilities
  • WCAI — WirelessCommunications Association International

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