Department of Commerce Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnership ListServ (DOCFBNP-L)

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What is a ListServ?

ListServ is an email list management software program. Email Lists advances the concept of electronic email from being an efficient, convenient, and economical way for people all over the world to communicate to disseminating a single message simultaneously to the "subscribed" group of people.
Fast, global, and cost effective mass communication is easy with the use of email lists

How do I Opt-in of the DOCFBNP ListServ (subscribe)?

To subscribe to the DOCFBNP ListServ please click subscribe and enter "Subscribe DOCFBNP-L" in the body and subject of the email.
Note: If you have a "Signature" or any text which accompanies your normal email, delete it. ListServ will try to translate this extra text into commands if not deleted prior to sending (subscribing).

How do I Opt-Out of the DOCFBNP ListServ (unsubscribe)?

To unsubscribe to the DOCFBNP Listserv please click unsubscribe and enter "Subscribe DOCFBNP-L" in the body and subject of the email.
Note: If you have a "Signature" or any text which accompanies your normal email, delete it. ListServ will try to translate this extra text into commands if not deleted prior to sending (unsubscribing).