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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

High-Priority Technology Needs: Protecting the Public

Through collaboration and consultation with practitioners, NIJ has identified high-priority technology needs for the criminal justice field, including the following aimed at protecting the public:

  • Assured means to continuously and accurately monitor the location and status of offenders under supervision in the community, including:
    • A noninvasive, assured method to continuously monitor an offender’s substance abuse.
    • Within structures and outside in urban and rural environments.
    • Smaller, less obtrusive, more reliable and secure monitoring devices.
  • Safer, more cost-effective aerial surveillance solutions to identify, locate and track illicit activities and to locate missing persons, particularly for application with small and rural agencies. Solutions must consider regulatory requirements.
  • Improved, unobtrusive means to accurately detect a broad spectrum of contraband to preclude its introduction into public venues, including:
    • Academic institutions, including schools.
    • Mass transit.
  • “Intelligent” surveillance solutions providing automated incident awareness and warnings
    in public venues, including:
    • Academic institutions, including schools.
    • Mass transit.
    • Sporting venues.
    • Shopping areas.
  • Improved means to detect and respond to weapons concealed on an individual’s body at a safe distance, including person-borne improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
  • Improved, assured means to detect and effectively respond to vehicle-borne IEDs, which:
    • Are easily transportable.
    • Are rapidly and remotely deployable.
    • Cause minimal collateral effects.
  • A means to remotely locate and track cooperative and uncooperative individuals
    inside buildings in hostage rescue and search situations.
  • Improved characterization of currently available less-lethal devices and their health and safety effects, particularly on at-risk populations, leading to improved use-of-force protocols and to safer, more effective devices.
  • New, safer, more effective less-lethal devices that:
    • Can better deter individuals from taking a prohibited action.
    • Can instantly incapacitate individuals for a specified period of time.
    • Are suitable for use on at-risk populations.
  • Rapidly deployable, effective devices that can safely and remotely stop all types of vehicles under a variety of circumstances.
  • Improved emergency-response solutions, minimally including:
    • Accurate location of the incident.
    • Timely, optimized response.
Date Modified: September 3, 2010