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Inside the State Department: UNGA Week

Sept. 26: USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson discuss their work at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Feed the Future

Secretary Clinton (Sept. 27): "Increased investments in agriculture and nutrition are paying off in rising prosperity, healthier children, better markets, and stronger communities." Full Text» Trip Page»

Central American Citizen Security

Secretary Clinton (Sept. 27): "Where governments have struggled to meet these challenges on their own, we want to build the partnerships that will allow us to do this better together." Full Text» Trip Page»

In Other News

Sept. 26: The U.S. at the UN

Visit our Storify site for a daily compilation providing a readout of U.S. engagement and events at the UN General Assembly. More»

Sudan and South Sudan

Secretary Clinton (Sept. 27): "I applaud today's agreements between Sudan and South Sudan on security, oil, financial, nationality, and trade issues." Full Text»

UNAIDS Shared Responsibility Event

Secretary Clinton (Sept. 26): "There's another reason we can foresee an AIDS-free generation, and that is because nations are stepping up to their own responsibilities to care for their own people." Full Text» Blog» Trip Page»

Transition in Yemen

Deputy Secretary Burns (Sept. 27): "There can be no lasting stability and no freedom from extremism in Yemen without political reform and economic progress." Full Text» Fact Sheet»

To Walk the Earth in Safety

Sept. 27: The State Department has released the 11th edition of this report, showcasing the accomplishments of the U.S. Conventional Weapons Destruction Program. More»

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

Acting Under Secretary Gottemoeller (Sept. 26): "U.S. ratification would concretely contribute to reducing the role of nuclear weapons in international security." Full Text» Fact Sheet»


Date: 09/2012 Description: Daisy Cardiel, Country Desk Officer, Office of Children's Issues, speaks with a Concordia University student about government service. © Photo courtesy of Peter Borrud
Ambassadors at Home

Department employees on home leave share professional and personal life experiences with local citizens as part of the Hometown Diplomat Program. More»

Date: 2012 Description: Logo: Innovation in Arms Control Challenge - State Dept Image
Innovation in Arms Control

In the spirit of harnessing the ingenuity of the American people, the State Department launched the "Innovation in Arms Control Challenge." More»

Date: 09/04/2012 Description: Hispanic Heritage Month 2012: Michelle Cooper - State Dept Image
Hispanic Heritage Month 2012

Michelle Cooper is currently working as the human rights Leahy vetting officer for the WHA Bureau. More»

Date: 07/05/2012 Description: Screenshot of MyStateDepartment v1.1. - State Dept Image
My State Department

A new "What's New" widget has been added to My State Department. Check it out to see the top issues of the day. More»

Date: 09/13/2012 Description: Members of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB), chaired by former Secretary of Defense William Perry, meet with Acting Under Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC, on September 13, 2012.  - State Dept Image
State @ Work

Members of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB), meet with Acting Under Secretary Rose Gottemoeller at the Department of State. More»

Date: 02/09/2011 Description: QR Code for - State Dept Image for Mobile

Get foreign policy information on your handheld device by scanning in the above QR code or visiting m.state.govOther Government apps»

Date: 06/14/2011 Description: Logo for App: State Department Seal and stylized image of an airplane in flight. - State Dept Image
Smart Traveler App

"Smart Traveler" for iPhone and Android is for U.S. travelers going abroad.  More» Other Government apps»

Description: Artist's rendering of the US Diplomacy Center museum, showing glass walls and ceiling spanning the courtyard on the 23rd street entrance to the Department of State - State Dept Image
U.S. Diplomacy Center

What will visitors to the future museum of the Department of State experience? Find out more about plans and programs. More>>

Date: 08/01/2012 Description: binary code and open laptop with Department seal - State Dept Image
Virtual Tehran

The building that once housed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran has been repurposed since the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979. More»


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