Chairman King Convenes Hearing to Assess DHS Operations and a Roadmap for its Future

Sep 20, 2012 Issues: Oversight of DHS Management

Washington, D.C. – In order to ensure that the Department of Homeland Security is well managed and executes is mission in a highly effective and efficient manner, Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security today convened a hearing entitled “The Department of Homeland Security:  An Assessment of the Department and a Roadmap for its Future,” to assess the Department’s current operations and consider potential future reforms at DHS.  .

Click HERE to watch the video of Chairman King’s opening statement at the hearing:

Click HERE to watch the video of Chairman King questioning the witnesses, including former senior officials from DHS and White House Office of Homeland Security, on the counterterrorism and intelligence operations at DHS:



Witnesses at today’s hearing: 

Hon. Richard Skinner
Former Inspector General
Department of Homeland Security

Hon. Stewart A. Baker
Former Assistant Secretary for Policy
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Frank J. Cilluffo
Former Principal Advisor to Governor Tom Ridge
White House Office of Homeland Security

Mr. David C. Maurer
Homeland Security and Justice
Government Accountability Office
