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Richard M. Nixon press conference releasing the transcripts of the White House Tapes., 04/29/1974
ARC Identifier: 194576
(Richard Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, CA)

Nixon Grand Jury Records

The records of the Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF) collection, including transcripts of President Nixon's grand jury testimony of June 23-24, 1975, and associated material are now available online. The materials can also be found at the following websites:

These files are also available at the textual research room of the National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740.


In May 1975, the Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF) decided that it was necessary to question former President Richard M. Nixon in connection with various investigations being conducted by the WSPF. Mr. Nixon was questioned over the period of two days, June 23 and June 24, 1975, and the testimony was taken as part of various investigations being conducted by the January 7, 1974, Grand Jury for the District of Columbia (the third Watergate Grand Jury). Chief Judge George Hart signed an order authorizing that the sworn deposition of Mr. Nixon be taken at the Coast Guard Station in San Mateo, California with two members of the grand jury present.


All files in the "Title" column are in PDF format. Due to the large file sizes (maximum 10 MB), we recommend that you save them rather than try to open them directly. For those folders with digital file sizes larger than 10 MB, we have divided them into parts for ease of download.

TitleARC Identifier
Folder 9/1: Richard M. Nixon Testimony-Motions and Stipulations/U.S. D.C. Misc.#75-104 6050587
Folder 9/2: Peter Kreindler (PMK) materials/Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF) files from CR 74-110 (U.S. v. Mitchell, et al.) re: Richard M. Nixon (RMN) testimony/deposition in that trial 6050588
Folder 9/3: [Peter Kreindler] PMK notes on [Richard Nixon's] RMN’s Grand Jury testimony - Deposition Matters / Kreindler Files 6050589
Folder 9/4: Henry S. Ruth File: Ruth & Richard J. Davis memoranda of interview of President Nixon, Ruth and Davis notes taken during RMN interview, [Watergate Special Prosecution Force] WSPF memos and preparation 6050591
Folder 9/5: Richard J. Davis File: [Watergate Special Prosecution Force] WSPF memos & correspondence with Herbert Miller 6050592
Folder 9/6: 18 1/2 minute gap questions 6050593
Folder 9/7: Richard Moore questions 6050594
Folder 9/8: Civil rights/abuse of demonstrators questions 6050595
Folder 9/9: Q&A re Gap [18 1/2 minute gap] 6050596
Folder 9/10: 18 1/2 minute gap notes 6050597
Folder 9/11: List of remaining documents re [Richard Nixon] RMN deposition 6050598
Folder 9/12: #1 Grand Jury Examination of Richard Nixon-Outline and Exhibits 6050599
Folder 9/13: #2 Correspondence & memos re contacts with Herbert Miller 6050600
Folder 9/14: #3 Exhibits furnished to Herbert Miller - mostly used in deposition 6050601
Folder 9/15: #4 Background documents 6050602
Folder 9/16: Transcripts of President Nixon’s grand jury testimony taken on June 23, 1975 6050603
Folder 9/16:  Transcripts of President Nixon’s grand jury testimony taken on June 24, 1975 6050604
Folder 9/16:  President Nixon’s grand jury proceedings on June 30, 1975 - along with a transcript of June 30, 1975 when President's Nixon's testimony was read to the grand jury in Washington, D.C. (Per Court Order) 6050605
Folder 9/17: Material used in preparing for the deposition of [Richard Nixon] R.M.N- [L. Patrick] Gray and Wiretap Investigation 6050606
Folder 9/18: [L. Patrick] Gray Files 6050607
Folder 9/19: Wiretaps 6050608
Folder 9/20: [Lawrence] O’Brien 6050609
Folder 9/21: Binder #1-Summaries of notes and tape transcripts 6050610
Folder 9/22: Binder #2-Summaries of notes and tape transcripts 6050611
Folder 9/23: Binder #3-Tape transcripts 6050612
Folder 9/24: Exhibits (1 of 3) 6050613
Folder 9/25: Exhibits (2 of 3) 6050614
Folder 9/26: Exhibits (3 of 3) 6050615
Stenographer’s tape of deposition [remains closed] 6050616

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