Markup: H.R. 901 and Committee Activity Report

311 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 | Jun 22, 2011 10:00am

Opening Statements

Rep. Peter King (NY), Chairman

Rep. Dan Lungren (CA), Subcommittee Chairman

Bill Markups

H.R. 901, (Mr. Lungren) To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to codify the requirement that the Secretary of Homeland Security maintain chemical facility anti-terrorism security regulations.  The “Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Security Authorization Act of 2011.”  The Committee adopted H.R. 901, as amended, by a recorded vote of 26 yeas and 5 nays.  The bill was ordered to be reported to the House with a favorable recommendation, as amended, by voice vote. 

     An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, offered by Mr. Lungren, agreed to by a recorded vote of 22 to 9.

  • Amendment #1A: offered by Mr. Thompson (MS), defeated by a recorded vote of 9 to 15

  • Amendment #1B: offered by Rep. Sanchez (CA), agreed to by voice vote

  • Amendment #1C: offered by Rep. Richardson (CA), defeated by a recorded vote of 11 to 16

  • Amendment #1D: offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), agreed to by voice vote

  • Amendment #1E: offered by Rep. Clarke (NY), defeated by voice vote

  • Amendment #1F: offered by Rep. Clarke (NY), defeated by a recorded vote of 11 to 18

  • Amendment #1G: offered by Rep. Clarke (NY), defeated by a recorded vote of 11 to 18

  • Amendment #1H: offered by Rep. Davis  (IL), agreed to by a recorded vote of 28 to 2

  • Amendment #1I: offered by Rep. Hochul (NY), agreed to by a recorded vote of 29 to 1

  • Amendment #1J: offered by Rep. Clarke (MI), defeated by a recorded vote of 12 to 18

  • Amendment #1K: offered by Rep. Clarke (MI), defeated by a recorded vote of 11 to 19

  • Amendment #1L: offered by Rep. Clarke (MI), defeated by a recorded vote of 12 to 18

  • Amendment #1M: offered by Rep. Speier (CA), offered and withdrawn

  • Amendment #2 (A Substitute Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute): offered by Mr. Thompson (MS), defeated by a recorded vote of 13 to 18

Consideration of the Committee Activity Report for the first quarter of the 112th Congress. The Committee adopted the report by voice vote.

[Summary of Committee Actions and Roll Call Votes]