NMFS Information-Dissemination Product Inventories, Priorities and Schedules

The National Marine Fisheries Service Web Portal is NMFS's primary means of communicating online to the agency's public audiences. It focuses on providing information for ocean resource user communities, students, educators, children, the news media and the general public. As such, the portal's priority for publication is material for those audiences.

The inventory of information available through the NMFS Web Portal includes:

Information for students and teachers is generally updated weekly. Information for the media and general public is updated as events warrant, usually several times each business day. The inventory of information available through the Web Portal is comprised of the portal archives, which users can search through the search box at the top of this page.

Members of the public can provide input into how NMFS disseminates information through the Web portal by using the "comments" link on the Contact NMFS page.