ONRR Press Release Catalog 2007

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  • 12/21/2007
  • Royalty Relief for Deepwater Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leases—Conforming Regulations to Court Decision.  The proposed rule is published today in the Federal Register.
  • 12/17/2007
  • MMS Amends Indian Oil Valuation Rule - Negotiated Rulemaking Committee to be Convened.  The final rule is published today in the Federal Register.
  • 12/14/2007
  • MMS Request Comments or New Lease Form for Offshore Alternative Energy Activities
  • 12/05/2007
  • MRM Chief of Enforcement Recognized - Recipient of Prestigious Justice Department Award
  • 12/04/2007
  • Thirty-four States Earn $1.9 Billion in Royalty Receipts - MMS Reports FY 2007 Disbursements
  • 12/03/2007
  • MMS Collects and Distributes $11 Billion in Revenues for FY 2007 Prices Move Oil Receipts Up, Natural Gas Receipts Down Compared to FY 2006
  • 11/27/2007
  • MMS Director Randall Luthi to Announce Significant Milestone in the Coastal Impact Assistance Program Involving the State of Louisiana
  • 11/07/2007
  • Minerals Management Service Conducts 250th Unannounced Oil Spill Drill in the Gulf of Mexico
  • 11/02/2007
  • Secretary Kempthorne to Discuss New Frontier for Offshore Alternative Energy Development
  • 11/02/2007
  • MMS Awards New IT Operations and Support Contract
  • 10/30/2007
  • MMS Issues Proposed Notices of Central and Eastern Gulf Lease Sales.  They were published in today’s Federal Register.
  • 10/23/2007
  • MMS Completes RIK Sale - Nine Companies Awarded Thirteen Contracts for Gulf Gas
  • 10/09/2007
  • MMS Gives Key Support to Workshop on Ecological Effects of Wave Energy Development in the Pacific Northwest
  • 10/05/2007
  • Lars Herbst Named Regional Director for the MMS Gulf of Mexico Region
  • 10/03/2007
  • Record Oil and Gas Lease Sale Attracts $ 2,904,321,011 for Offshore Tracts in the Central Gulf of Mexico
  • 10/03/2007
  • MMS Proposes Modernization of Pipeline Regulations - Update Would Ensure Use of Current Technology in Pipeline Operations.  The proposed rule is published in the Federal Register.
  • 10/02/2007
  • Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale Receives 1,428 Bids on 723 Tracts
  • 9/27/2007
  • MMS Named Pioneer in Energy Education - Agency Recognized for Increasing Understanding of Ocean Energy Sources
  • 9/26/2007
  • Federal Offshore Sand to Build-Up South Carolina Beaches - Up to 3 Million Cubic Yards to Bolster 25 Miles of the Grand Strand
  • 9/25/2007
  • Tropical Depression Ten Activity Statistics Update:   The Minerals Management Service (MMS) Continuity of Operations Plan team is concluding its activities related to Tropical Depression Ten
  • 9/24/2007
  • Tropical Depression Ten Activity Statistics Update: Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan to monitor activities
  • 9/21/2007
  • Subtropical Depression Ten Activity Statistics Update: Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan to monitor activities.
  • 9/20/2007
  • Tropical area of Investigation 93 L Statistics Update - Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 9/19/2007
  • Tropical Area of Investigation 93 L Statistics Update - Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 9/10/2007
  • MMS to Conduct Environmental Review for Proposed Central and Western Gulf of Mexico Areas -- Review Will Include Public Scoping Meetings
    The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has begun the planning process to gather information and conduct an environmental review of the Central Gulf of Mexico Planning Area (CPA) and the Western Gulf of Mexico Planning Area with the publication in the Federal Register of the Call for Information and Nominations/Notice of Intent (Call/NOI) to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).
  • 8/31/2007
  • MMS Issues Final Notice of Central Gulf Lease Sale 205 - New Boundaries Enlarge Area Offered
  • 8/24/2007
  • Hurricane Dean Statistics Update - The Minerals Management Service (MMS) Continuity of Operations Plan team is concluding its activities related to Hurricane Dean
  • 8/23/2007
  • MMS Begins Planning for Next Artic Sales -- The Minerals Service (MMS) today issued a Call for Information and Nominations and a Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for two Beaufort Sea and two Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease sales proposed under the Final 2007-2012 5-Year Program.
  • 8/22/2007
  • Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 204 Attracts $ 289,953,066 in High Bids
  • 8/22/2007
  • Hurricane Dean Statistics Update - Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 8/21/2007
  • Hurricane Dean Statistics Update - Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 8/21/2007
  • Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 204 Receives 358 Bids on 282 Tracts
  • 8/20/2007
  • Jon Hrobsky Named New MMS Deputy Director
  • 8/20/2007
  • Hurricane Dean Statistics Update - Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 8/19/2007
  • Hurricane Dean Statistics Update - Minerals Management Service activates its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 8/16/2007
  • MMS Estimates Nearly $1 Billion Gross on RIK Sale to Small Refiners
  • 8/16/2007
  • MMS Sponsors International Energy Ocean ‘07 Conference
  • 8/15/2007
  • MMS Announces $97.5 Million Settlement With Burlington Resources
  • 8/15/2007
  • Tropical Storm Erin Statistics Update
  • 8/14/2007
  • Drilling Activity Hits New High in Ultra-Deep Gulf of Mexico
  • 8/03/2007
  • MMS Proposes First Chukchi Sea Sale in 17 Years
  • 7/20/2007
  • Ohmsett - National Oil Spill Response Test Facility - Marks Milestone :15 Years of Controlled Oil Spill Testing and Research
  • 6/29/2007
  • MMS to Hold Public Hearings on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Sale in Eastern Gulf of Mexico - Federal Register Notice Announces Availability of a draft SEIS for Federal Oil and Gas Lease Sale 224 in Eastern Planning Area
  • 6/28/2007
  • RIK Report Details $28.8 Million Revenue Gain - MMS Delivers FY 2006 Results to Congress
  • 6/26/2007
  • Interagency Study Of Endangered Right Whales Planned - $5 Million Study To Begin In The Bering Sea This Summer
  • 6/20/2007
  • MMS to Hold Offshore Alternative Energy Environmental Studies Workshop - D.C. Area Workshop Will Identify Environmental Information Needs
  • 6/18/2007
  • MMS Proposes Extending Proprietary Term of Certain Geophysical Data
  • 6/07/2007
  • RIK Sale Yields Four New Contracts
  • 6/06/2007
  • Coastal Impact Assistance Program Environmental Assessment Available with a Finding of No Significant Impact
  • 6/01/2007
  • MMS Develops Hurricane Web Page - A Central Location Created for Quick Access to Hurricane-Related Information
  • 5/31/2007
  • MMS RIK Program to Help Fill Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • 5/30/2007
  • Minerals Management Service Marks Hurricane Season 2007 Announced Improvements Emphasizing Energy Security, Environmental Protection, and Personnel Safety
                Related Press Release Attachments
              -   eWell:  A Good System Made Better, Post-Katrina

              -    Energy from Offshore Sources for America: It Begins with a Plan

              -   MMS: Dedicated to Providing Energy and Economic Value for
              -   Your Federal Partners: Working Together for Offshore Safety
              -   Safety Devices
              -  Offshore Oil Spills: PREPARATION is Paramount
              -  Bringing Energy and Value to America
              -  Selected List of Specialized Words and Their Definitions
  • 5/22/2007
  • 200-year-old Shipwreck to be Recovered in Gulf of Mexico - MMS Protects Nation’s Historic Treasures
  • 5/22/2007
  • MMS Issues Proposed Notice of Central Gulf Lease Sale 205
  • 5/18/2007
  • MMS Releases Proposed Rule Extending OCS Deep and Ultra Deep Gas Royalty Relief Provisions and Including Provisions for Royalty Relief Offshore of Alaska
  • 5/17/2007
  • MMS Receives Awards for Study of Shipwrecks as Artificial Reefs
  • 5/01/2007
  • Interior Program Encourages Greater Development Of Geothermal Energy on Federal Lands Through Competitive Leasing, Simplified Royalties, Payments to Western Counties
  • 4/30/2007
  • Secretary Kempthorne Unveils Major Initiative to Expand Oil, Natural Gas Production on the Outer Continental Shelf - Environmentally sound development would strengthen U.S. energy security, provide economic stimulus to Nation, States
  • 4/26/2007
  • Secretary Kempthorne to Announce Major Oil and Gas Development Program for the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf - Initiative to Strengthen Energy Security; Ensure Environmentally Responsible Development; Provide Economic Boost to Nation, States
  • 4/23/2007
  • Minerals Management Service to Hold Public Hearing on Long Island to Address Draft Environmental Impact Statement for OCS Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program
  • 4/23/2007
  • Minerals Management Service to Hold Public Hearing at Monmouth University (West Long Branch, New Jersey) to Address Draft Environmental Impact Statement for OCS Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program
  • 4/23/2007
  • Minerals Management Service to Hold Public Hearing in the Boston Area to Address Draft Environmental Impact Statement for OCS Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program
  • 4/17/2007
  • MMS Honors Best in Energy Industry - Achievements in Safety, Pollution Prevention, Conservation and Revenue Management Noted
  • 4/16/2007
  • MMS Publishes Final Rule on Protection of Marine Mammals and Threatened and Endangered Species
  • 4/16/2007
  • Coastal Impact Assistance Program Allocation Amounts Now Available With Six States to Share in Nearly $250 Million Annually
  • 4/13/2007
  • Earth Day Event Affirms MMS Support of Coastal Restoration Throughout the Gulf Coast States
  • 4/13/2007
  • MMS Issues Final Multisale Environmental Statement - Notice of Availability Published in Federal Register
  • 4/12/2007
  • MMS Honors Best in Offshore Energy Industry - Achievements in Safety, Pollution Prevention, Conservation and Revenue Management Noted
  • 4/06/2007
  • MMS Proposes Regulations on Pipeline Access for Resolving Pipeline Access Complaints
  • 4/03/2007
  • MMS Names Mineral Revenues Stewardship Award Winners
  • 3/27/2007
  • RIK Gas Sale Grosses $1 Billion in Total Revenues - Ten Companies Awarded 13 Contracts for Gulf Gas
  • 3/20/2007
  • MMS Publishes OCS Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement - Public Hearings Scheduled for April and May 2007
  • 3/19/2007
  • MMS Schedules Beaufort Sea Sale 102 - Sale set for
    April 18 in Anchorage
  • 3/14/2007
  • Finalists Named for DOI’s 2006 Safety Awards for Excellence (SAFE) - Winners to be Announced at MMS Industry Awards Ceremony in April
  • 3/13/2007
  • MMS Proposes Rewrite of OCS Oil and Gas Production Requirements (Removes Restrictions on Production Rates and Limits Flaring and Venting )
  • 3/12/2007
  • MMS Incorporates Recommended Practice for Cementing Shallow Water Flows (Rule Effective March 30, 2007)
  • 3/08/2007
  • Offshore Industry Pays Nearly $1.5 Million in Civil Penalties in 2006
  • 2/26/2007
  • MMS to Hold Public Scoping Meetings in Pensacola on Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Lease Sale in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico 
  • 2/26/2007
  • Six Companies Awarded RIK Crude Contracts
  • 2/21/2007
  • MMS Releases Deepwater Currents Study Report
  • 2/21/2007
  • MMS Recognizes 22 in Energy Industry for Corporate Leadership
  • 2/20/2007
  • OCS Policy Committee to Meet in Annapolis, MD
  • 2/20/2007
  • RIK Sale in Wyoming Generates Millions
  • 2/14/2007
  • MMS Begins Planning Process to Conduct Sale in Eastern Gulf of Mexico Planning Area
  • 2/05/2007
  • Chris Oynes Named Associate Director of the MMS Offshore Program
  • 1/24/2007
  • The Minerals Management Service to Meet with Key Regional Offshore Alternative Energy Stakeholders (New York City)
  • 1/23/2007
  • The Minerals Management Service to Meet with Key Regional Offshore Alternative Energy Stakeholders (West Long Branch, NJ)
  • 1/08/2007
  • The Minerals Management Service to Meet with Key Regional Offshore Alternative Energy Stakeholders (Boston)