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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Other Web Resources on Drug Courts

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Adult Drug Court Research to Practice Initiative
The National Center for State Courts has teamed with American University for an Adult Drug Court Research to Practice Initiative to promote the timely dissemination of information emerging from research on addiction science, substance abuse treatment and adult drug court programs.  With funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Justice, the R2P initiative will produce a series of webinars, webcasts and other work products that disseminate important research to practitioners and policymakers.

Please visit the new R2P website http://research2practice.org/ for more information on current and future information resources.

Webcast on Drug Courts
In November 2006, NIJ produced Drug Courts Reexamined, a Webcast featuring Mr. Michael Rempel, Dr. Peter Luongo and Judge Terry D. Terrell. Participants discussed adult drug court outcomes and costs and the factors that affect program implementation and impact. Register for free access to the archived Webcast.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
A federally funded resource that provides comprehensive justice and substance abuse information. NCJRS sponsors a Web resource page: Spotlight on Drug Courts.

Bureau of Justice Assistance
Provides grants and supports criminal justice policy development of local, state and tribal justice strategies to achieve safer communities. Bureau for Justice Assistance programs related to drug courts include:

Bureau of Justice Assistance publications on drug courts include:

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Sponsors cooperative efforts to prevent delinquency, strengthen the juvenile justice system, protect children and enhance public safety. OJJDP offers an electronic publication, Model Program Guide on Drug Courts.

OJJDP also published Juvenile Drug Court Programs, by C.S. Cooper, May 2001, NCJ 184744.

Office of National Drug Control Policy
Establishes federal drug control policies, priorities and strategies and sponsors the National Drug Court Institute .

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Funds evaluation, research and development of substance abuse prevention, addictions treatment and mental health services delivery systems.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services
Lead U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency for drug abuse research and treatment. Maintains a Web page: Treatment for Drug Abusers in the Criminal Justice System.

National Institute on Drug Abuse publications on drug courts include:

National Drug Court Institute  
Sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, NDCI promotes education, research and scholarship for drug court and other court-based intervention programs.

National Center for State Courts
Tracks problem-solving courts, including drug courts, and maintains the Problem-Solving Courts Resource Center.

Tribal Court Clearinghouse: Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
An American Indian owned and operated nonprofit corporation that is part of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute.

Juvenile Drug Courts and Teen Substance Abuse, by J.A. Butts and J. Roman, Urban Institute, 2004. For a summary of this research, see “Drug Court Intervention for Juveniles” in Drug Courts: The Second Decade, June 2006.

Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment and Criminal Justice Supervision (pdf, 11 pages), by D.B. Marlowe, National Drug Court Institute, August 2003.

Date Modified: June 22, 2011