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Jomo Richardson

Jomo Richardson
Education: University of the Virgin Islands, B.S. in Mathematics May 2006 | Columbia University, B.S. in Electrical Engineering May 2006
Joined FERC: July 2006

"As an engineer in the Transmission Planning Group I provide technical expertise and recommendations that ensure reliability of the nation's power grid. I recently worked on a Final Rule issued by the Commission which mandated that Reliability Standards developed by the Electric Reliability Organization are now enforceable. I also analyze long-term power flow simulations of transmission systems submitted to categorize and document any reliability issues that may exist. At a young age I quickly developed an interest in electricity and how it works. Thus, electrical engineering was a natural choice for my career. I've always aspired to work in a position where I can help positively influence the lives of others. FERC provides me a unique employment opportunity that facilitates my interest in electricity and my goal to help others. The electric industry is very complex and an important aspect of the lives of all Americans. Acquiring work experience in such a dynamic industry from a Federal perspective is indeed invaluable. In regards to D.C. life, I enjoy the many museums, especially the Smithsonian Institute, historical sights, shopping, and night spots in the area."

Updated: June 28, 2010