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A Neotectonic Map of the Earth: A Pilot Study of SRTM Data

Combined Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometric and Global Positioning System(GPS) Data for Southern California Crustal Deformation Studies

Correcting Deformation Rates from the SCIGN Network for the Effects of Human-induced Ground Movements

Crustal Deformation and Earthquake Hazard in the Subduction Zones of Southern Alaska and the North Island of New Zealand

Demonstrating the Application of Space-borne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to the Detection and Monitoring of Subsidence Caused by

Ground-Water Pumping

Development of a Fully Three-Dimensional Model of Interacting Fault Systems for Interpretation of GPS and InSAR Observations

Earthquake Hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean

Finding Active Faults and Tectonic Landforms in Densely Forested Regions using Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping, Puget Lowland, Washington

GPS Measurements from Eastern Tibet and Their Implications for India/Eurasian Intracontinental Deformation

GPS Measurements of Localized Intracontinental Deformation in the Tien Shan Applications to Geodynamics and Earthquake Hazards

InSAR Measurements of Crustal Deformation from Large Rockbursts in Mines

Interferometric SAR Measurements of Surface Deformation Above the Nazca/South American Plate Boundary

Inversion of Time Dependent Space Geodetic Data

Investigation of the Potential for Monitoring Reservoir-Induced Crustal Deformation and Seismicity Near the Three Gorges Reservoir in China using InSAR and GPS Techniques

Joint Inversion of InSAR and Seismic Data for Slip Complexity of Large Earthquakes

KLE Analysis of GPS Data in the SCIGN Array

New GPS Sites on the Arabian Plate

North American Plate Boundary and Interpretation of Postseismic Processes

Present Day Tectonics of the Central Andes

Remote Sensing to Assist with the Seismic Safety Element for the General Plan of Region Surrounding Coachella, California

Sea Floor Geodetic Monitoring: GPS and Acoustic Methods from an Oceanic Buoy: Southeast Flank of Hawaii

Seismic Hazard Assessment Integrating Numerical Modeling, Space Geodesy and Seismic Strain Rates

Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Hayward Fault, California from GPS and INSAR Measurements

Shortening and Thickening of Metropolitan Los Angeles from Geodesy

Study of the Secular and Episodic Crustal Deformation Using Geodetic Networks

Surface Deformation and Topographic Measurements from Radar Interferometry in the Presence of Vegetation

Tectonic-climate Interactions in Active Orogenic Belts: Quantification of Dynamic Topography with SRTM Data

Tectonics and Volcanism in AFAR Using RadarSAT Interferometry Data

Tectonics of Northridge and the Transverse Ranges

Topography and Surface Change at Shallow Subduction Zones

Topography and Surface Change in Southern Alaska: The Interplay of Oblique Subduction Zone Tectonics and Glaciers

Transients in Pacific/North American Plate BoundaryDeformation, Synthesis, Modeling of GPS and Borehole Strain Observations

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