Digital Literacy Resources

A destination for practitioners in service-oriented organizations—such as libraries, schools, community centers, community colleges, and workforce training centers to find digital literacy content. The resources can be found by subject area, community, by skill topic, and learning level.

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u s treasury logo

IRS Accessible "Speech-Friendly" or "Talking Tax Forms" in PDF Format

Contributed by: U.S. Department of Treasury

The IRS Alternative Media Center is working to make IRS tax forms and publications fully accessible and Section 508 compliant. These "talking tax forms" work with MSAA compliant screen readers as well as Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice Recognition Software. We are using the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) as a means of distributing government forms as well as other documents. The IRS has made over 650 tax forms available in accessible PDF format.


10 Online Learning Tips: Going Back to Basics

Contributed by: ISEEK

Online college students begin the first day of classes with many different levels of preparation. Some have a little college experience. Others begin right after high school, and still others pursue a college degree after many years in the workforce. Whatever your age or number of credits under your belt, follow these tips to get the most out of your online learning experience.

The Beehive Logo

10 Ways to Spot a Virus

Contributed by: The Beehive

Your computer can act funny or slow down for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s something simple like a problem with a program. But other times it may be a virus. Viruses can damage your computer and let other harmful programs into your system that steal important information. Knowing how to recognize a virus can help you protect your computer and personal information.

21st Century Information Fluency logo

21st Century Information Fluency

Contributed by: 21st Century Information Fluency

The 21st Century Information Fluency Project (21CIF) began in 2001 when the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy received funds from the US Department of Education to research and develop training in the largely unexplored field of online information literacy. It immediately became clear that the largest needs in this area were for professional development and resources to help educators and students improve their ability to locate, evaluate and use digital information more effectively, efficiently and ethically.

New York Library Association Logo

21st Century Information Literacy Standards for the Digital Learners of New York

Contributed by: New York Library Association

A standards guide for learners in K-12 schools, higher education, libraries, and life-long learning. These Standards are based on, and aligned with, national standards from: the American Library Association (ALA) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

The Beehive Logo

5 Ways to Avoid Phishing Scams

Contributed by: The Beehive

Phishing scams are an attempt to steal your personal and financial information. These scams typically involve email, fake web sites or pop-up messages that are used to trick you into handing over personal information such as bank account or credit card information, Social Security numbers, passwords, etc. Knowing how to recognize and avoid phishing can help you protect your information on the web.

Vermont Council on Rural Development logo

50 Tips for Web Design

Contributed by: Vermont Council on Rural Development

Vermont's Chief Marketing Officer, Kathy Murphy, shares her top tips for designing a usable, accessible website.


A Comprehensive Directory of Online Safety Resources

Contributed by: ConnectSafely

Keeping kids safe on their Internet journey and encouraging responsible behavior online is a common goal of parents and teachers everywhere. This frequently updated directory provides easy access to hundreds of resources that have been developed worldwide. Among the developers are educational institutions, advocacy organizations, law enforcement agencies, and governments from local to national levels. In response to numerous classroom requests for bilingual information, Spanish resources are also described.

Federal Bureau of Investigation logo

A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety

Contributed by: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

FBI's guide to help parents begin to understand the complexities of online child exploitation.

National Library of Medicine Logo

ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers

Contributed by: National Library of Medicine

Consumers need access to information and resources about genetic information in a manner that is understandable. Librarians working with the public need to be aware of the issues surrounding genetics and resources to assist patrons in locating and evaluating sometimes complex and confusing information. This class explores basic concepts such as genes and chromosomes and offers an overview of genetic disorders, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and the Human Genome Project.

club digital logo

Accede A Internet Desde Cualquier Lugar

Contributed by: Club Digital

Acceso móvil a Internet. La tecnología de internet móvil no es del todo nueva pero sí se ha vuelto más disponible con nuevas tecnologías y teléfonos inteligentes. Te permite conectarte a la red desde casi cualquier lugar con cobertura.

club digital logo

Administra Tu Dinero En Línea

Contributed by: Club Digital

Maneja tu dinero en internet. Hay muchísimos recursos en internet para ayudarte a administrar tu dinero. Las operaciones bancarias en internet están disponibles en la mayoría de los bancos y te permiten administrar tu dinero sin pisar la sucursal. Te presentamos unos ejemplos de banca en línea y otras opciones para tu mayor información. logo

Adult Learning Activities

Contributed by: California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF)

California Distance Learning Project initiative to help expand learner access to adult basic education services in California.

Adult Students--College Preparation Checklist

Contributed by: U.S. Department of Education (ED)

If you’ve never been to college, or started but never finished, this page is for you. Need to improve your skills or knowledge? Find a new career path?

Connect Your Community Logo (A Project of One Community)

Advanced Email

Contributed by: Connect Your Community

Advanced email including attachments and contacts in an address book. Email example is Gmail but module can be modified for alternate web based email.

Vermont Council on Rural Development logo

Advanced Web Searching

Contributed by: Vermont Council on Rural Development

Learn about some more advanced search techniques to help you search more efficiently on the Web.


Advertising Literacy for the Classroom

Contributed by: The LAMP

LAMPlatoon is The LAMP's online video project where participants can remix existing commercials with their own thoughts and criticisms about the ad. "The LAMPlatoon Wants YOU!" is a step-by-step guide which educators can use for creating these 'broken commercials' and exploring basic advertising literacy concepts with students. There are no costs to the educator with LAMPlatoon, and LAMP staff are available as additional support along the way.

childnet logo

Advice on enjoying gaming safely

Contributed by: Childnet

Online gaming is hugely popular with children and young people. This leaflet provides an introduction to online gaming and advice for parents specifically related to online gaming.

National Library of Medicine Logo

African American Community Health

Contributed by: National Library of Medicine

African American communities see diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease affecting their friends and families every day. Free online resources from the National Library of Medicine and other reliable sources are available to help.

club digital logo

Ahorra Usando Internet

Contributed by: Club Digital

Economiza con ayuda digital. Reducir en lo posible los gastos cotidianos con ayuda de servicios e información en línea es una posibilidad real, sobre todo si ya cuentas con una PC con conexión a internet de banda ancha y cámara web.