Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Ensuring a safe and sound national banking system for all Americans Site Map | Text Size: S M L

News and Issuances

2005 News Releases

Publish DateIdentifierTitle
12/22/2005  NR 2005-126, OCC Names Community Affairs Officer for New Orleans
12/21/2005  NR 2005-125, OCC Reports Derivatives Volume Approaches $100 Trillion
12/20/2005  NR 2005-124, Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies Propose Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Products
12/15/2005  NR 2005-123, OCC Enforcement Actions
12/15/2005  NR 2005-122, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 17 National Banks
12/14/2005  NR 2005-121, Federal Bank and Thrift Regulatory Agencies Publish Guide to Help Financial Institutions Comply with Information Security Guidelines
12/12/2005  NR 2005-120, Matt Quigley Named Director of Community Development
12/02/2005  NR 2005-119, OCC To Expand Customer Assistance Group Telephone Hours
12/01/2005  NR 2005-118, OCC Revises the Process of Semiannual Assessments on National Banks
12/01/2005  NR 2005-117, Comptroller Dugan Expresses Concern about Negative Amortization
12/01/2005  NR 2005-116, OCC Issues First Quarter 2006 CRA Examination Schedule
11/22/2005  NR 2005-115, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 12 National Banks
11/17/2005  NR 2005-114, OCC Enforcement Actions
11/17/2005  NR 2005-113, Agencies Issue Final Rules on Post-Employment Restrictions for Senior Examiners
11/17/2005  NR 2005-112, Agencies Finalize FACT Act Rules on Medical Information
11/10/2005  NR 2005-111, Comptroller Dugan Says Basel II Capital Framework Will Substantially Enhance Safety and Soundness
11/04/2005  NR 2005-110, OCC Takes Action Against Bank and Subsidiary for Lending Practices
11/01/2005  NR 2005-109, Statement of Comptroller Dugan On Retirement Announcement Of House Financial Services Committee Chairman Oxley
11/01/2005  NR 2005-108, Comptroller Dugan Tells Bankers OCC Is Committed To Measured, Fair, and Effective BSA/AML Supervision
10/27/2005  NR 2005-107, Comptroller Dugan Discusses Credit Risk
10/25/2005  NR 2005-106, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 22 National Banks
10/24/2005  NR 2005-105, OCC Encourages National Banks to Work with Customers Affected by Hurricane Wilma
10/21/2005  NR 2005-104, OCC Allows National Bank Offices Affected by Hurricane Wilma to Close
10/20/2005  NR 2005-103, Federal Banking Agencies Request Comment on Suggested Domestic Risk-Based Capital Modifications
10/17/2005  NR 2005-102, OCC Announces 17 Enforcement Actions and Three Terminations
10/06/2005  NR 2005-101, Comptroller Dugan Initiates Process to Improve Risk-Based Capital Rules
10/04/2005  NR 2005-100, OCC and Operation HOPE Sign Agreement on Hurricane Relief
09/30/2005  NR 2005-99, Banking Agencies Announce Revised Plan for Implementation of Basel II Framework
09/30/2005  NR 2005-98, OCC Reports Derivatives Volume Tops $96 Trillion
09/28/2005  NR 2005-97, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 35 National Banks
09/28/2005  NR 2005-96, Agencies Announce Orders Exempting Bank Transfer Agents Affected by Hurricane Katrina
09/26/2005  NR 2005-95, Comptroller Dugan Tells Bankers that Long Fight to Shed Outdated Laws Promoted Innovation
09/21/2005  NR 2005-94, OCC Encourages National Banks to Work with Customers Affected by Hurricane Rita
09/20/2005  NR 2005-93, John G. Walsh Named OCC’s Chief of Staff
09/20/2005  NR 2005-92, OCC Allows National Bank Offices Affected by Tropical Storm/Hurricane Rita to Close
09/16/2005  NR 2005-91, OCC Announces 25 Enforcement Actions and Four Terminations
09/15/2005  NR 2005-90, Data Show Continued Improvement in Credit Quality, Slight Increase in Credit¹ Commitment Volume
09/15/2005  NR 2005-89, OCC Encourages National Banks to Work with Customers Affected by Hurricane Ophelia
09/14/2005  NR 2005-88, OCC Allows National Bank Offices Affected by Hurricane Ophelia to Close
09/02/2005  NR 2005-87, Agencies Encourage Insured Depository Institutions to Assist Displaced Customers
09/01/2005  NR 2005-86, OCC Issues Fourth Quarter 2005 CRA Examination Schedule
08/30/2005  NR 2005-85, Agencies Release List of Distressed and Underserved Nonmetropolitan Middle-Income Geographies
08/29/2005  NR 2005-84, Community Developments Newsletter Focuses on Using HMDA Data to Expand Mortgage Lending Opportunities
08/29/2005  NR 2005-83, OCC Encourages National Banks to Work With Customers Affected by Hurricane Katrina
08/25/2005  NR 2005-82, OCC Allows National Bank Offices Affected by Hurricane Katrina to Close
08/17/2005  NR 2005-81, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 26 National Banks
08/17/2005  NR 2005-80, FinCEN and OCC Assess $24 Million Penalty against Arab Bank Branch
08/16/2005  NR 2005-79, OCC Announces 16 Enforcement Actions
08/08/2005  NR 2005-78, Registration for Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Interagency Outreach Event Webcast
08/04/2005  NR 2005-77, John C. Dugan Takes Office As Comptroller of the Currency
08/04/2005  NR 2005-76, Agencies Propose Rules on Post-Employment Restrictions for Senior Examiners
08/02/2005  NR 2005-75, OCC Releases Consumer Advisory: “Writing a Check: Understanding Your Rights”
07/28/2005  NR 2005-74, OCC Survey Finds Increased Easing of Both Commercial and Retail Credit Underwriting Standards
07/27/2005  NR 2005-73, Community Developments Investments On-Line Newsletter Spotlights “Double Bottom Line” Investments
07/20/2005  NR 2005-72, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 19 National Banks
07/19/2005  NR 2005-71, Banking Agencies Issue Final Community Reinvestment Act Rules
07/18/2005  NR 2005-70, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Interagency Outreach Events
07/15/2005  NR 2005-69, OCC Announces 25 Enforcement Actions and One Termination
07/14/2005  NR 2005-68, Acting Comptroller Williams Discusses History and Characteristics of National Banks
07/11/2005  NR 2005-67, OCC Encourages National Banks to Work with Customers Affected by Hurricane Dennis
07/08/2005  NR 2005-66, OCC Allows National Bank Offices Affected by Hurricane Dennis to Close
07/07/2005  NR 2005-65, Banking Agencies Issue Host State Loan-to-Deposit Ratios
06/30/2005  NR 2005-64, Agencies Release Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual
06/30/2005  NR 2005-63, Banking Agencies Announce Financial Institution Enrollment Schedule for Central Data Repository
06/24/2005  NR 2005-62, OCC Reports Derivatives Volume Tops $90 Trillion
06/23/2005  NR 2005-61, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 31 National Banks
06/21/2005  NR 2005-60, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams Supports Regulatory Burden Relief Legislation
06/16/2005  NR 2005-59, OCC Files Suit to Prevent New York Attorney General From Disrupting Fair Lending Examination
06/14/2005  NR 2005-58, OCC Announces Nine Enforcement Actions and Five Terminations
06/09/2005  NR 2005-57, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams Urges Steps To Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden and Improve Consumer Disclosure
06/06/2005  NR 2005-56, OCC Publishes Ombudsman Report and Customer Assistance Brochure
06/06/2005  NR 2005-55, Agencies Issue FACT Act Interim Final Rules on Medical Information
06/01/2005  NR 2005-54, OCC Issues Third Quarter 2005 CRA Examination Schedule
05/27/2005  NR 2005-53, Acting Comptroller Williams Tells Community Bankers OCC Working Hard to Make Regulation More Efficient and Less Burdensome
05/19/2005  NR 2005-52, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams Issues Statement Responding to New York Attorney General
05/17/2005  NR 2005-51, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 23 National Banks
05/17/2005  NR 2005-50, OCC Announces 18 Enforcement Actions
05/17/2005  NR 2005-49, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams Tells Senate Banking Committee Credit Card Disclosures Can be Improved
05/16/2005  NR 2005-48, Agencies Issue Credit Risk Management Guidance for Home Equity Lending
05/12/2005  NR 2005-47, Acting Comptroller Williams Tells Bankers Disclosures not Working for Consumers and Imposing Unnecessary Burdens
05/11/2005  NR 2005-46, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Julie L. Williams Testifies before House Subcommittees On Basel II Framework Issues
05/06/2005  NR 2005-45, Acting Comptroller Williams Discusses Management and Supervision of Reputation Risk In Large Banking Organizations
05/03/2005  NR 2005-44, Acting Comptroller Williams Cites Foreclosures as Most Immediate Community Development Challenge
04/29/2005  NR 2005-43, Banking Agencies To Perform Additional Analysis Before Issuing Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Related To Basel II
04/28/2005  NR 2005-42, Agencies Provide Guidance on Customer Identification Program Requirements
04/26/2005  NR 2005-41, Implementation of Bank Secrecy Act in the Context of Money Services Businesses
04/26/2005  NR 2005-40, Guidance and Advisory Issued on Banking Services for Money Services Businesses Operating in the United States
04/19/2005  NR 2005-39, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 32 National Banks
04/19/2005  NR 2005-38, OCC Announces 15 Enforcement Actions and Two Terminations
03/31/2005  NR 2005-37, Agencies Announce Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About New HMDA Data
03/28/2005  NR 2005-36, Comments Requested on Proposed Classification of Commercial Credit Exposures
03/23/2005  NR 2005-35, Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Security Breaches
03/21/2005  NR 2005-34, Acting Comptroller Williams Highlights Changes in Retail Credit Products and Risks
03/16/2005  NR 2005-33, OCC Announces 34 Enforcement Actions and Six Terminations
03/16/2005  NR 2005-32, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 21 National Banks
03/15/2005  NR 2005-31, John Wagner Named Director for Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
03/14/2005  NR 2005-30, Acting Comptroller Williams Tells International Bankers Of Challenges Ahead
03/11/2005  NR 2005-29, Acting Comptroller Williams Tells Bankers Regulatory Burden Relief Should be a National Priority
03/11/2005  NR 2005-28, OCC Reports Derivatives Volume Continues to Increase
03/11/2005  NR 2005-27, Federal Banking Agencies Publish Proposed Revisions to Community Reinvestment Act Regulations
03/04/2005  NR 2005-26, Toney Bland Named Deputy Comptroller of Northeastern District
03/02/2005  NR 2005-25, OCC Publishes Edition of Insights Addressing Individual Development Accounts
03/01/2005  NR 2005-24, OCC Issues Second Quarter 2005 CRA Examination Schedule
02/28/2005  NR 2005-22, Federal Banking Agencies Issue Advisory on Confidentiality of Supervisory Ratings
02/28/2005  NR 2005-21, OCC Issues Cease and Desist Order and Civil Money Penalty Against Chicago Title Insurance Company
02/25/2005  NR 2005-20, OCC Issues Order Against the Federal Branch Of Arab Bank PLC
02/22/2005  NR 2005-19, Federal Banking Agencies Propose Revisions to Community Reinvestment Act Regulations
02/18/2005  NR 2005-18, Agencies Issue Final Guidance on Overdraft Protection Programs
02/17/2005  NR 2005-17, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 16 National Banks
02/16/2005  NR 2005-16, OCC Announces 13 Enforcement Actions and Seven Terminations
02/15/2005  NR 2005-15, Joseph Evers Named Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision
02/14/2005  NR 2005-14, Agencies Extend Comment Period on Proposed Data Collection Changes for Shared National Credits
02/10/2005  NR 2005-13, Acting Chief Counsel Addresses Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
02/09/2005  NR 2005-12, OCC Enters Into Written Agreement with Bank of America
02/02/2005  NR 2005-11, OCC Issues Cease and Desist Order Against New York Branch of Banco de Chile
02/02/2005  NR 2005-10, OCC Issues Guidelines to Prevent Predatory Residential Mortgage Lending Practices
02/01/2005  NR 2005-9, Community Developments Investments Focuses on Bank-Owned Community Development Corporations
01/28/2005  NR 2005-8, Banking Agencies Announce Implementation of Web-Based Central Data Repository for Bank Financial Data
01/27/2005  NR 2005-7, OCC Issues Modified Consent Order Against Riggs Bank, N.A.
01/27/2005  NR 2005-6, Agencies Issue Statement on Implementation of Basel II Framework
01/24/2005  NR 2005-5, Kevin Mukri Named Director for Press Relations
01/18/2005  NR 2005-4, Acting Comptroller Williams Issues Statement Regarding FDIC Proposal to Expand Special Examination Authority
01/13/2005  NR 2005-2, OCC Announces Six Enforcement Actions and Two Terminations
01/12/2005  NR 2005-1, Acting Comptroller Williams Urges New Approach to Disclosures To Enhance Consumer Protection