Payment Information

If you pay by check, please read this.

PO Boxes 5640, 5760, 5810, 5860, 17110 and 173702 are now CLOSED. You must prepare and send any payments made by check—regardless of different instructions on bills or correspondence—to this address:

Office of Natural Resources Revenue
PO Box 25627
Denver CO 80225-0627

Mail sent to the six boxes above is being returned to senders. Instructions regarding payments by mail, as well as general correspondence, are itemized in the letter sent to all reporters on August 29, 2011, at

Interest Calculation Tables

Electronic Payment Information

Payment for Indian Leases

New Payor Checklist

Payment Information Contacts (ACH) Payment Contacts

Linda Hutchings
Phone: 303-231-3118
Kathy Amos

Bank-initiated ACH and Fedwire Payment Contacts

Nathaniel Ciano
Phone: 1-800-525-0309 x3887, or 303-231-3887
Raymond Heger
Phone: 1-800-525-0309 x3368, or 303-231-3368

Indian Distributee Codes and Leases

George Hutchison
Phone: 303-231-3856

Payment Policies & Exceptions

Ralph Spencer
Phone: 303-231-3095