Week of March 16, 2009

The Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC) Police Department (CMPD) used NIBIN to link evidence recovered during an aggravated assault to an arrest of a felon in possession of a firearm. In the first incident, Charlotte Mecklenburg P.D. Officers responded to an assault with a deadly weapon call where an unidentified suspect had shot and injured one victim at a residence. The officers recovered the spent ammunition for NIBIN entry. Approximately nine days later, CMPD responded to a shooting incident at a separate residence. CMPD obtained consent to search from the occupant and seized a firearm hidden behind a hot water heater. CMPD arrested the occupant for being a felon in possession of a firearm. A NIBIN test-fire entry of the suspect’s firearm matched the previous aggravated assault incident.

Week of March 23, 2009

The Dayton (OH) Police Department used NIBIN to link evidence from a shooting incident to the arrest of four armed drug trafficking suspects. In the first incident, Dayton P.D. officers responded to a shooting incident in front of a residence. Three witnesses provided information that they heard gunfire and observed a male subject jump into a vehicle and flee the scene at a high rate of speed. The officers recovered the spent ammunition for entry into NIBIN. Approximately five months later, U.S. Marshall’s Service deputies and Dayton P.D. officers executed a Federal Arrest Warrant at a residence. The officers arrested four males for unlawful possession of five loaded firearms and a large quantity of narcotics and U.S. currency. All of the firearms were test fired and entered into NIBIN. The stolen firearm matched the shooting in the first incident.

Week of March 30, 2009

Miami-Dade (FL) Police Department used NIBIN to link evidence recovered during a homicide to an arrest of a robbery suspect. In the first incident, Miami-Dade P.D. officers responded to a homicide at a residence. The officers recovered the spent ammunition for NIBIN entry. Approximately five months later, Miami-Dade P.D. while conducting a robbery investigation, approached and attempted to arrest an armed suspect. The suspect fled while dropping a firearm and a quantity of narcotics. Subsequently, officers pursued and arrested the suspect. A NIBIN test-fire entry of the suspect’s firearm matched the evidence casings from the homicide scene that occurred earlier.

Week of April 6, 2009

The Michigan State Police Firearms laboratory at Sterling Heights utilized the NIBIN system to link six shootings to a recovered firearm. From September 2007 to January 2008, six shooting crimes were linked to one .40 caliber handgun in Detroit MI. and Clifton Township, MI. The gun crimes included four homicides wherein six victims were killed. NIBIN linked all the crimes to the same firearm. On January 18, 2008, the identified firearm was recovered during the attempted arrest of a suspect where he barricaded himself inside a dwelling and after shooting at law enforcement officers, committed suicide with the .40 caliber firearms used in all the linked cases.
