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USEITI International EITI
Implementing USEITI

ONRR is providing expertise to support the implementation of USEITI.

Benefits of USEITI

  • The implementation of USEITI provides additional oversight to the collection and disbursement of the Nation’s mineral resource revenues and helps ensure the full and fair return to the American people for the utilization of these public resources.

  • Supporting the USEITI implementation advances the revenue reform efforts under way in ONRR and benefits the American public, whose interests will be better protected by a strong commitment to oversight and transparency.

  • To learn more about USEITI, please click here.

  • To learn more about the international EITI program, please click here.

Most Recent Press Release

June 22, 2012: USEITI Public Workshop held in Washington, DC. Pictured: Paul A. Mussenden, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources Revenue Management (standing); Gregory J. Gould, ONRR Director (seated, center); Jonas Moberg, Head of the EITI International Secretariat (seated, far right).