DoDEA Student
Student Immunization Program
Before enrolling in a Department of Defense school, students are required to have the following immunizations listed in the attached document:

this document is a pdf Immunization requirements 2010-2011 SY
this document is a pdf DoDEA Immunization Requirements Form

While these immunizations are required to attend DoD schools, the Military Services, not the schools, are responsible for giving students their immunizations.

For more information on immunizations for school, contact your school nurse.


Special Education and Related Services

When appropriate, medical professionals will conduct a medical screening and work with DoD Dependents' Schools personnel to determine whether a child has a disabling condition.

First Aid and Emergency Care

School principals establish first-aid and emergency-care plans, and the medical authority on each installation review these procedures each year. School personnel cannot give or recommend medicines except as provided in DSM 2942.0.


Of course, it's best that students not take medicine during school hours. However, when it is necessary for a student to take medication at school, he or she must leave the medication with the school nurse for safekeeping. The medicine must be in a pharmacy-labeled container with the student's name, the name of the medication, and the scheduled dose or doses. Each student must also bring a parent's written permission to take the medication and written orders from the physician.

If the school nurse is not present, the student must present the medication to the school principal, acting principal, or health aide for safekeeping.

In extremely rare situations, students are allowed to keep their medicine with them while in school or at school-related activities. The student's prescribing physician must provide a written statement that the student has to keep the medication at all times; also, a parent must provide written permission for the medication to stay with the student. These rare circumstances are usually for field trips and involve the need to carry asthma medication or an epinephrine kit for severe allergic reactions to insect stings.

School Health Services Program

Each DoDDS school must have a well-planned health program managed by a school nurse. While the School Health Services Program is not meant to take the place of health care provided by family doctors, the program does help children learn how to stay healthy and perform well in school.

A well-planned School Health Services Program should include health assessments, such as tests for vision and hearing, and for placement and assistance of students with disabilities; early identification and help for health problems; school health care plans for students with long-term problems such as asthma, allergy to insect stings, etc.; and control of easily spread illnesses, such as the flu or measles. For more information on your School Health Services Program, contact your school nurse.