News Room

Pelosi Statement on GOP Bill to Repeal Patients’ Rights

May 03, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after House Republicans voted to eliminate key funding that is helping states set up health insurance exchanges, competitive marketplaces for insurance:

“Less than three weeks after passing their budget to end Medicare as we know it in order to give Big Oil more tax breaks, Republicans have voted again to risk Americans’ health care. 

“From the start of this Congress, Republicans have made repealing patients’ rights and eliminating access to affordable health care their top priority – while ignoring Americans’ top priority: jobs. 

“It is now time for Republicans to focus on jobs, end their drive to end Medicare as we know it and schedule votes to end taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil.  Democrats are committed to creating jobs, responsibly reducing the deficit, strengthening the middle class, and growing our economy.”