Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Ensuring a safe and sound national banking system for all Americans Site Map | Text Size: S M L

Get answers to banking questions

Consumer Complaints provides answers and assistance to customers of national banks. The site includes answers to common questions and helps walk people through the process of contacting the OCC for additional assistance.

Información para el Consumidor


Customer Assistance Group

OCC's Customer Assistance Group (CAG) helps customers resolve issues with national banks and their operating subsidiaries. Trained professionals answer questions and provide informal guidance related to:

  • Applicable banking laws and regulations
  • General banking practices

The CAG also provides an avenue to offer informal consumer education on banking and the use of credit and maintains the Web site.

Have you got a question, concern, or complaint about a national bank? We recommend the following options:

  • Contact your bank directly first. It is most likely to have the specific information you need and is in the best position to resolve your problem.

  • Visit where you will find answers to frequently asked questions and other resources.

  • Fill out the Online Customer Complaint Form.

Still need help?

1 (800) 613-6743 (Toll free)
(713) 658-0340 (TDD)
Hours: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Eastern, Monday-Friday

(713) 336-4301

OCC Customer Assistance Group,
1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3450
Houston, TX 77010

Related Information

Related News and Issuances
Publish DateIdentifierTitle
05/28/2008  NR 2008-59, OCC and Idaho Agree to Share Consumer Complaints
12/12/2007  NR 2007-133, OCC Supports Efforts To Establish A Single, Toll-Free Number for Bank Customers Seeking Regulator Assistance
10/15/2007  NR 2007-111, Comptroller Dugan Tells Conference that Consumers Will Benefit From More Unified Interagency Approach to Complaint Handling