National Council on Disability to Release Education Report in New Orleans


NCD #08–551
January 23, 2008
Contact: Mark S. Quigley

WASHINGTON—The National Council on Disability (NCD) will release its latest report titled, The No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: A Progress Report, at a news conference at the New Orleans Marriott Convention Center, 859 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 28, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. This event is open to the public and the media and free of charge.

NCD commissioned this study to assist policy leaders and stakeholders in assessing the impact of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act on schools, including student outcomes produced as a result of changes mandated in the laws. This report provides a detailed analysis of such key questions as (a) How has student achievement status changed since the laws were (re)authorized? (b) What impact have the laws had on assessment systems, accountability systems, and systems of personnel development? and (c) Which barriers are impeding the achievement of students with disabilities, and how can those barriers be overcome?

Speakers include:
John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson, Fort Myers, FL
Lisa Mattheiss, NCD Board Member, East Ridge, TN
Dr. Scott Swail, President and CEO, Educational Policy Institute, Virginia Beach, VA

The discussion will be followed by a question and answer session. This news conference is part of NCD's quarterly board meeting, which begins January 28 at 11:00 a.m. and ends January 30 at 4:45 p.m. at the same location.

NCD is an independent federal agency and is composed of 15 members appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. We provide advice to the President, Congress, and executive branch agencies to promote policies, programs, practices, and procedures that—
(A) guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability; and
(B) empower individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.

For more information, please contact NCD's director of external affairs Mark S. Quigley at or by telephone at 202-272-2004.


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Mark S. Quigley
Director of External Affairs
National Council on Disability
1331 F Street, NW Suite 850
Washington, DC 20004

National Council on Disability • 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 850 • Washington, DC 20004