Soldiers learn to visually identify indicators of an IED and react to the threat in the Multicultural Mobile Counter Improvised Explosive Device (MCMCIT).

Soldiers learn to visually identify indicators of an IED and react to the threat in the Multicultural Mobile Counter Improvised Explosive Device (MCMCIT). The newest Mobile Counter-IED trainer provided by the Training Support Activity Europe. The McMCIT is being used at GrafenwoehrrrâÂs Motor park 7 to prepare Soldiers for deployment. Photo by Gertrud Zach, Training Support Activity Europe

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Soldiers learn to visually identify indicators of an IED and react to the threat in the Multicultural Mobile Counter Improvised Explosive Device (MCMCIT). The newest Mobile Counter-IED trainer provided by the Training Support Activity Europe. The McMCIT is being used at GrafenwoehrrrâÂs Motor park 7 to prepare Soldiers for deployment. Photo by Gertrud Zach, Training Support Activity Europe

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