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How Learn and Serve America Can Help


 “How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

—Anne Frank

Combining School Curriculum and Service to the Community

Learn and Serve America provides direct and indirect support to K-12 schools, community groups and higher education institutions to facilitate service-learning projects. By integrating community service projects with classroom curriculum, service-learning projects offer students a unique opportunity to use what they learn in the classroom to solve real-life problems. In the process, they develop academic and practical skills, self-esteem, and a sense of civic responsibility while meeting community needs.

Here are a few examples of service-learning projects:

  • Designing neighborhood playgrounds or building wheelchair ramps while building math, research methods and leadership skills;
  • Teaching younger children to read or creating a tutoring program for  adults with limited English-language skills as a Language Arts class project;
  • Developing urban community gardens or preserving native plants as part of the biology and history curriculum;
  • Starting school recycling programs or testing water quality as part of the math, science and social studies curriculum.

Learn and Serve America facilitates service-learning projects by:

  • Providing grant support for school-community partnerships and higher education institutions;
  • Providing training and technical assistance resources to teachers, administrators, parents, schools and community groups;
  • Collecting and disseminating research, effective practices, curricula, and program models; and
  • Recognizing outstanding youth service through the President’s Volunteer Service awards and other programs.

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