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Indicators: Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Measurement and Data Limitations for Family Planning and Reproductive Health

The area of family planning and reproductive health has relatively robust data systems and has indicators that directly relate to the target. However, as in other areas, data to support country-level estimates for MCPR and age at first birth are typically collected only every few years (not annually), and the impact on these indicators will lag behind the expansion of targeted interventions.

Unintended pregnancies prevented are estimated using a model based on the calculations in the Guttmacher Institute Report, “Adding It Up” and adjusted using annual U.S. Government global family planning and reproductive health funding information. Thus, the estimate of unintended pregnancies prevented can be more directly attributable to the U.S. Government. It should be noted that the indicator is not intended for annual reporting but rather as an impact indicator of performance over the life of the GHI.

The two outcome indicators, MCPR and age at first birth, come from a DHS-type survey, so are only available every five years. Data are aggregated using an unweighted rolling average, computed annually. The survey data represent national level data, including many interventions and funding sources. Therefore, results are not solely attributable to the U.S. Government.

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