PeteKing King Statement on Obama Admin.'s National Security Strategy


King Statement on Obama Admin.'s National Security Strategy

May 27, 2010

Administration is ignoring the quintessential rule of war: ‘Know Your Enemy.’

Washington, D.C. (Thursday, May 27, 2010) – Today, U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement on the Obama Administration’s National Security Strategy:

“While I am heartened that this first Obama Administration National Security Strategy addresses the growing problem of al-Qaeda recruiting American citizens and those in the country legally, perhaps most notable about the Strategy is what it fails to say.

“I have serious concerns about this Strategy. The Obama Administration refuses to even identify head-on the threat our nation faces. Even though we have been at war against radical Islamic jihadists since they killed almost 3,000 Americans on 9/11, the Obama Administration fails to even mention such terms. By his own account, assistant to the President John Brennan stated in a speech yesterday, “nor do we describe our enemy as ‘jihadists’ or ‘Islamists,’” even after these terrorists we are fighting continue to commit their slaughter in the name of “jihad.” The Administration is ignoring the quintessential rule of war: ‘Know Your Enemy.’ Failing to acknowledge the enemy we face will not make the enemy disappear.

“John Brennan and others in the Obama Administration are completely ignoring reality and have used this critically important National Security Strategy as another opportunity to satisfy the politically correct left wing and apologize to the world for America.”