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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology: Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations


FHWA Research



Research Portfolio

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is involved directly and indirectly in many research and technology (R&T) initiatives across the Nation, however, the concentration of this Web site is on the FHWA R&T program. To ensure a corporate approach to R&T, an R&T Leadership Team, as described in the Corporate Master Plan (CMP) for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation (FHWA-RD-03-077), oversees the R&T program. The R&T Leadership Team consists of members from FHWA field offices and the Office of Federal Lands Highway, and the following functional areas: safety, infrastructure, operations, environment, policy, and exploratory advanced research.

The managers and staff responsible for R&T in particular functional areas develop and set their own R&T agendas, which reflect FHWA's mission, support strategic goals, and engage internal and external stakeholders. The R&T Leadership Team agrees on functional area agendas. From there, an R&T network develops and deploys a portfolio of R&T innovations.

Ongoing Research

Click one of the following research areas for more information about ongoing research.

Exploratory Advanced Research
Federal Lands Highway Program
Planning, Environment, and Realty
Pavements, Materials, Assets, Structures, Bridges
Transportation Pooled Fund Projects
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center

Innovation Life Cycle Introduction


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Quick Links

» Strategic Approach
In 2003, FHWA leadership accepted the challenge to "raise the bar" on R&T and adopted a strategic management framework developed with input from stakeholders. See Corporate Master Plan (CMP) for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation (FHWA-RD-03-077)


Research and Development Links

» R&D Laboratories
» R&D Projects


Other Links

» Transportation Research Information Services
» TRB Research in Progress Search