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Peer Exchange Policy for State Planning and Research
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Classification Code Date
Office of Primary Interest
6030.1A July 14, 2010 HRTM-2


  1. What is the purpose of this directive?
  2. Does this directive cancel an existing FHWA directive?
  3. What is the background of this directive?
  4. What is the scope of this directive?
  5. What authorities were used in writing this directive?
  6. What definitions are used in this directive?
  7. What is FHWA's policy concerning Peer Exchange management?
  8. Who has authority to approve Peer Exchanges?
  9. Where can I obtain additional guidance?
  1. What is the purpose of this directive? This directive provides Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines, policy, and responsibilities for the management of FHWA research Peer Exchanges.

  2. Does this directive cancel an existing FHWA directive? No. This is a new directive that provides supplemental guidance on managing acceptable Peer Exchanges.

  3. What is the background of this directive? The use of peer exchanges was established to provide State DOT RD&T programs with the opportunity to examine and evaluate their own programs through a collaborative team of peers, experts, and persons involved in the process, where the exchange of vision, ideas, and best practices could be fostered to benefit both their program and the program of the peer team participants. The present revisions to the Guide for Peer Exchanges are the result of a joint FHWA and AASHTO Special Peer Exchange Task Force effort to improve the Peer Exchange process.

  4. What is the scope of this directive? The provisions of this directive apply to all State Planning and Research Peer Exchanges conducted by State DOT RD&T programs.

  5. What authorities were used in writing this directive?

    1. 23 CFR 420.203

    2. 23 CFR 420.205(b)

    3. 23 CFR 420.209(a)(5)

    4. 23 CFR 420.209(a)(7)

  6. What definitions are used in this directive?

    1. Peer Exchange. A focused collaboration among transportation research colleagues through which a host State may find the means to restructure or merely fine tune research program processes.

    2. Multi-state Peer Exchange. A Peer Exchange involving no more than three States.

    3. Virtual Peer Exchange. A Peer Exchange conducted by Webinar, teleconference, or other electronic means.

  7. What is FHWA's policy concerning Peer Exchange management? As specified in 23 CFR 420.209, dated July 18, 2002, a State must develop, establish, and implement a management process that identifies and results in implementation of RD&T activities expected to address high priority transportation issues. The State DOT's management process, including Peer Exchanges, is periodically reviewed by the applicable FHWA Division Administrator. Specific Peer Exchange management requirements for States are contained in the Guide for Peer Exchanges at: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/spr/10048/.

  8. Who has authority to approve Peer Exchanges? As stated in 23 CFR 420.209, dated July 18, 2002, the applicable FHWA Division Administrator has authority to approve State RD&T management programs.

  9. Where can I obtain additional guidance? Additional guidance may be obtained from the FHWA Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management Office (HRTM-2), 202-493-3181.

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Signature: Victor M. Mendez, Administrator, HOA-1

Victor M. Mendez

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