Grant Programs Directorate Information Bulletins

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2012 Information Bulletins

2011 Information Bulletins

  • Information Bulletin #375 –December 22, 2011
    Impact of the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) Migration on December 2011 Biannual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR)
    (PDF 47KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin #374 –December 21, 2011
    Financial Reporting on FEMA Grant Programs – Federal Financial Report Standard Form 425
    (PDF 65KB, TXT 9KB)
  • Information Bulletin #373 –October 7, 2011
    Ensuring Training on Counter Terrorism and Countering Violent Extremism is Consistent with USG and DHS Policy
    (PDF 60KB, TXT 6KB)
    • CVE Training Guidance October 2011 (PDF 89KB, TXT 8KB)
    • US Department of Homeland Security Fact Sheet Approach to Countering Violent Extremism (PDF 130KB, TXT 10KB)
    • CVE Working Group Recommendations (PDF 169KB , TXT 6KB)
    • National Strategy on Empowering Local Partners (PDF 2.8MB, TXT 28KB)
  • Information Bulletin #372 –August 31, 2011
    Changes to
    (PDF 60KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin #371 –August 31, 2011
    Streamlined submission of Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Review Packets and Narrowbanding EHP Requirements
    (PDF 71KB, TXT 9KB)
  • Information Bulletin #370 –August 23, 2011
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Final Allocation Announcement
    (PDF 345KB, TXT 59KB)
  • Information Bulletin #369 –August 2, 2011
    Financial Reporting FEMA Grant Programs – Federal Financial Report Standard Form 425
    (PDF 54KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin #368 – July 14, 2011
    Fiscal Year 2007 Through Fiscal Year 2011 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program – Standard Form 425 Expenditure and Unobligated Activity Reporting (PDF 54KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin #367 – July 11, 2011
    Impact of National Terrorism Advisory System on Homeland Security Grant Programs (PDF 53KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin #366 – July 7, 2011
    Clarification of FY11 Exercise Guidance (PDF 52KB, TXT 4KB)
    • FY 11 EMPG Requirements FAQs (PDF 52KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin #365 – June 17, 2011
    Management and Administration (M&A) Costs in the Homeland Security Grant Program (PDF 52KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin #364 – June 16, 2011
    Supplemental Resource: Support for Public-Private Collaboration and Public Private Representative (PDF 34KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin #363 – June 2, 2011
    Memorandum of Agreement between the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Transportation Security Administration (PDF 29KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin #362 – May 19, 2011
    Fiscal Year 2011 Program Guidance and Application Kits (PDF 362KB, TXT 36KB)
  • Information Bulletin #361 – May 13, 2011
    Integrating Disability Access and Functional Needs Efforts in Grant Applications (PDF 31KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin #360 – May 3, 2011
    Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) Fiduciary Agent (FA) Investment Justification Submission Procedure for FY 2007 Supplemental through FY 2010 Grant Awards (PDF 26KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin #359 – April 5, 2011
    Treatment of Sensitive Security Information (SSI) (PDF 26KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin #358 – March 18, 2011
    Clarification on the Personnel Reimbursement for Intelligence Cooperation and Enhancement of Homeland Security Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–412 – the PRICE Act) (PDF 40KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin #357 – March 10, 2011
    FY 2011 Preparedness Grant Programs Update (PDF 33KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin #356 – February 17, 2011
    Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Screening Form (PDF 31KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin #355 – February 8, 2011
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program Second Year Extension Process (PDF 84KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin #354 – February 1, 2011
    Extension Requests for FY 2006 Preparedness Grant Programs (PDF 27KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin #353 – January 19, 2011
    Citizen Corps Program—Recent Changes made to the Authorized Equipment List (PDF 21KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin #352 – January 18, 2011
    Timeliness of Grantee Drawdowns (PDF 32KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin #351 – January 14, 2011
    National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Review Requirements for Communication Facilities (PDF 95KB, TXT 6KB)

2010 Information Bulletins

  • Information Bulletin #350 - November 23, 2010
    The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA) or Transparency Act - P.L.109-282, as amended by section 6202(a) of P.L. 110-252 (PDF 150KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin #349 - November 19, 2010
    Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (IPIA), Public Law No. 107-300 (PDF 40KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin #348 - September 27, 2010
    Clarification of Supplanting Prohibitions in Information Bulletin (IB) #336 (PDF 40KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin #347– September 21, 2010
    Fiscal Year 2010 Port Security Grant Program Adjusted Allocations
    for the “All Other Port Areas” group (PDF 22KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin #346– September 16, 2010
    Port Security Grant Program Allowable Costs for Seafarers and Shore Staff/Support (PDF 36KB, TXT 30KB)
  • Information Bulletin #345 - September 9, 2010
    Grant Programs Directorate Programmatic Environmental Assessment - (PDF 87KB, TXT 2KB)
    • Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment - (PDF 1MB, TXT 311KB)
    • Finding Of No Significant Impact (PEA FONSI) (PDF 114KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin #344 - July 15, 2010
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Grant Programs Allocation Announcement
    (PDF 598KB, TXT 30KB)
  • Information Bulletin #343– June 21, 2010
    Interim Guidance for Ports, Facilities and Vessels on Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Projects Funded through the Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) and the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP)
    (PDF 598KB, TXT 30KB)
  • Information Bulletin #342 – May 13, 2010
    Fiscal Year 2010 Program Allocation Announcement for Preparedness Grant Programs
    (PDF 598KB, TXT 30KB)
  • Information Bulletin #341 – March 15, 2010
    Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assessment of Fiscal Year 2008 Disbursements
    (PDF 28KB, TXT 4KB)

2009 Information Bulletins

  • Information Bulletin # 340 - December 11, 2009
    Fiscal Year 2010 Transit Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit
    (PDF 47KB, TXT 11KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 339 - December 10, 2009
    Clarifications to Fiscal Year 2010 Program Guidance and Application Kits
    (PDF 105KB, TXT 35KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 338 - December 9, 2009
    Fiscal Year 2010 Program Guidance and Application Kits
    (PDF 122KB, TXT 35KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 337 - November 23, 2009
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Program Period of Performance Extension
    (PDF 24KB, TXT 14KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 336 - November 20, 2009
    Maintenance Costs
    (PDF 48KB, TXT 14KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 335 - November 18, 2009
    Completion of Transition from FEMA Secure Portal to the Homeland Security Information Network
    (PDF 85KB, TXT 21KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 334 - October 16,2009
    Guidance on Providing Grant Funds to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) (PDF 85KB, TXT 21KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 333 - September 29, 2009
    Use of Standard Form (SF) 425, Federal Financial Report, in lieu of SF-269, SF-269A, SF-272, and SF-272A for Recipient Financial Reporting - (PDF 63KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 332 - September 23, 2009
    Fiscal Year 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Transit Security Grant Program Capital Projects, Port Security Grant Program, and Assistance to Firefighters Fire Station Construction Grants Final Allocations Announcement - (PDF 85KB, TXT 21KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 331 - September 14, 2009
    Registration for - (PDF 29KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 330 - September 14, 2009
    FY 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) and State Homeland Security Program – Tribal (SHSP-Tribal) Optional Cost Sharing - (PDF 38KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 329 - September 2, 2009
    Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Requirements for Grants- (PDF 33KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 328 - September 2, 2009
    Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) Fiduciary Agent (FA) Match Exemption Clarifications for the FY 2007 Supplemental through the FY 2009 Grant Awards. - (PDF 33KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 327 - August 21, 2009
    Transit Security Grant Program: Intelligence Analyst Baseline Proficiency - (PDF 33KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 326 - August 20, 2009
    Amended FY 2009 SHSP, SHSP Tribal and UASI Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities Minimums - (PDF 23KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 325 - August 19, 2009
    FEMA GPD Grant Program Accomplishments Report Summary of Initial Findings: FY 2003-2007 - (PDF 23KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 324 - August 11, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Operation Stonegarden Supplemental (OPSG-S) Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 23KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 323 - August 7, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) Operational Packages Final Allocations Announcement - (PDF 50KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 322 - July 15, 2009
    Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) Cost-Share Requirement Clarification and Waiver Process for FY 2007 Supplemental through FY 2009 Grant Awards - (PDF 39KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 321 - July 9, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) Guidance Clarification - (PDF 39KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 320 - July 8, 2009
    Transit Security Grant Program: Transit Security Provider Review of Investment Justifications - (PDF 20KB, TXT 1KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 319 - June 23, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program (IECGP) Reporting Requirement - (PDF 124KB, TXT 35KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 318 - June 16, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Grant Programs Allocation Announcement - (PDF 124KB, TXT 35KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 317 - June 12, 2009
    Proposed Migration of the FEMA Secure Portal to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) (Message # 1) - (PDF 38KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 316 - June 4, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Operation Stonegarden Allocation Announcement - (PDF 38KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 315 - May 29, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Program Guidance and Application Kits - (PDF 37KB, TXT 9KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 314 - May 1, 2009
    Availability of PCII-notated Buffer Zone Plans and Vulnerability Reduction Purchasing Plans - (PDF 34KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 313 - April 22, 2009
    Introduction to Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program Assistance - (PDF 36KB, TXT 7KB)
    • Technical Assistance (TA) Request Form (PDF 1MB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 312 - April 20, 2009
    Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) Draw Down Guidance - (PDF 41KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 311 - April 8, 2009
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Program Award and Allocation Announcement for Transportation Infrastructure Security Programs and Additional Preparedness Programs - (PDF 40KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 310 - March 24, 2009
    Operation Stonegarden - (PDF 40KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 309 – February 27, 2009
    Allowing for the Purchase of Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Equipment by Selected Grantees in the ECM Pilot Program - (PDF 44KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 308 – January 22, 2009
    Revising Backfill-related Overtime Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2008 FEMA Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) Grant Programs - (PDF 36KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 307 – January 14, 2009
    Update on Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Work Plan - (PDF 39KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 306 – January 14, 2009
    National Preparedness Directorate Training Courses available through the United States Fire Administration, National Fire Academy - (PDF 24KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 305 – January 8, 2009
    Opening of to Receive Grant Applications and Extended Due Date for Select Applications - (PDF 31KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 304 – January 5, 2009
    Extension Requests for FY 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) - (PDF 23KB, TXT 4KB)

2008 Information Bulletins

  • Information Bulletin # 303 – December 17, 2008
    Amending Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Application Requirements - (PDF 47KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 302 – December 16, 2008
    Additional FY 2009 Program Guidance and Application Kits - (PDF 46KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 301 – December 10, 2008
    FY 2009 Freight Rail Security Grant Program GPS Tracking Requirements - (PDF 32KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 300 – November 21, 2008
    Announcement of the Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) Strategic Plan - (PDF 81KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 299 – November 14, 2008
    FY 2009 Freight Rail Security Grant Program Eligibility and Security Training Requirements - (PDF 59KB, TXT 14KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 298 – November 7, 2008
    FY 2008 Transit Security Grant Program Match Requirements Removed - (PDF 25KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 297 – November 7, 2008
    Amended FY 2009 SHSP and UASI Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities Minimums - (PDF 60KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 296 – November 5, 2008
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Program Guidance and Application Kits - Supplemental Information - (PDF 123KB, TXT 33KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 295 – November 5, 2008
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Program Guidance and Application Kits - (PDF 53KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 294 – October 21, 2008
    National Incident Management System-Compliant All-Hazards Type III Communications Unit Leader Training - (PDF 58KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 293
    All FY 2007, FY 2007 Supplemental, and FY 2008 Port Security Grant Program Grant Recipients - (PDF 46KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 292 – July 25, 2008
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Grant Programs Allocation Announcement - (PDF 179KB, TXT 33KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 291 – June 20, 2008
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 37KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Additional information: Program Guidance and Application Kit)
    (Additional information: FY 2008 IECGP Application Template)
  • Information Bulletin # 290 – June 13, 2008
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 43KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Additional information: Program Guidance and Application Kit)
    (Additional information: Investment Justification Template)
  • Information Bulletin # 289 – June 6, 2008
    FY 2008 TSGP Tier II Funding Availability - (PDF 37KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 288 – April 25, 2008
    Modification to FY 2008 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Guidance Related to Hiring of Intelligence Analysts - (PDF 76KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 287 – April 11, 2008
    Using Grant Funds to purchase Robots and Remotely Operated Vehicles - (PDF 70KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 286 – April 11, 2008
    FY 2008 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Supplemental Guidance Information Focusing on Improvised Explosive Device Deterrence, Prevention, and Protection - (PDF 79KB, TXT 12KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 285 – April 8, 2008
    Inclusion of emergency medical services and other responder disciplines as part of the FY 2008 Homeland Security Grant Program processes - (PDF 70KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 284 – March 28, 2008
    Office of the Director for National Intelligence (ODNI) Analysis 101 Training Course - (PDF 86KB, TXT 4KB)<br />
  • Information Bulletin # 283 – March 7, 2008
    Clarification to the FY 2008 FRSGP Guidance and Application Kit: Removal of Section C under Appendix E (Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies) and select text from Question II.B. in the Investment Justification Template - (PDF 87KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 282 – March 7, 2008
    Clarifications on the FY 2008 TSGP Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 81KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 281 – March 5, 2008
    Clarifications on FY 2008 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Guidance Related to Organizational Costs - (PDF 27KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 280 – March 5, 2008
    FY 2008 Port Security Grant Program (PSGP), Eligible Ferry System Clarification - (PDF 34KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 279 – February 7, 2008
    Eligibility of Tribes for the State Homeland Security Program - (PDF 48KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 278 – February 1, 2008
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Program Guidance and Application Kits - (PDF 48KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 277 – January 28, 2008
    Consolidation of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 REAL ID Funding Availability - (PDF 34KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 276 – January 15, 2008
    Regional Exercise Support Program - (PDF 26KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 275 – January 4, 2008
    1. Management and Administrative Costs for Tier I and Tier II Port Security Grant Award Sub-Recipients under the FY 2007 Supplemental Port Security Grant Program.
    2. Clarification on the 25 percent non-federal share cost share requirement for Tier I and Tier II Fiduciary Agents under the FY 2007 Supplemental Port Security Grant Program (PSGP). - (PDF 41KB, TXT 4KB)

2007 Information Bulletins

  • Information Bulletin # 274 – December 14, 2007
    State Preparedness Report (SPR) Deadline Extension - (PDF 24KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 273 – December 13, 2007
    Announcement of Funding Availability for the REAL ID Demonstration Grant Program - (PDF 39KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 272 – December 6, 2007
    Clarifications on the Fast-Track Training Initiative for the FY 2007 Transit Security Grant Program Base and Supplemental - (PDF 1.2MB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 271 – December 5, 2007
    Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Requirements for Grants - (PDF 78KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 270 – November 15, 2007
    Extension of timeline and due dates on Tier I and Tier II Fiduciary Agent Deliverables under the FY 2007 Supplemental Port Security Grant Program - (PDF 41KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 269 – October 26, 2007
    Clarifications on the FY 2007 Transit Security Grant Program Base and Supplemental Funding for Tier I Regions and Transit Systems - (PDF 36KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 268 – October 19, 2007
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Program - Revised and Supplementary PSIC Information - (PDF 31KB, TXT 10KB)
    (Attachment: PSIC Investment Justification Template)
    (Attachment: Investment Justification Workshop FAQ (.pdf))
    (Attachment: PSIC Allowable Costs (.pdf))
    (Attachment: PSIC Investment Justification Reference Guide Addendum (.pdf))
    (Attachment: Match Clarification Letter (.pdf))
  • Information Bulletin # 267 – October 15, 2007
    State Preparedness Report (SPR) - (PDF 42KB, TXT 20KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 266 – September 28, 2007
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Program Allocation Announcement - (PDF 55KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 265 – September 24, 2007
    Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource (CI/KR) Asset Protection Technical Assistance Program (CAPTAP) - (PDF 66KB, TXT 2KB)
    (Attachment: CAPTAP memorandum (.pdf))
  • Information Bulletin # 264 – September 17, 2007
    Submission of “Optional” Preliminary Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) through the National Preparedness Directorate Secure Portal by September 30, 2007 - (PDF 43KB, TXT 5KB)
    (Attachment: Additional Information on NPD Secure Portal (.pdf))
  • Information Bulletin # 263 – September 7, 2007
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program – Investment Justification Reference Guide and Investment Justification Template - (PDF 20KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Attachment: Investment Justification Template)
  • Information Bulletin # 262 – August 20, 2007
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program - Program Changes based on the Improving Emergency Communications Act of 2007, Public Law No. 110-53; Grant Guidance Clarification - (PDF 57KB, TXT 15KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 261 – August 2, 2007
    Clarification on Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training - (PDF 27KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 260 – July 31, 2007
    Emergency Responder Standards Meetings and Conferences Cost Reimbursement - (PDF 21KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 259 – July 17, 2007
    FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Allocation Announcement - (PDF 81KB, TXT 10KB)
    (Attachment: Background on the allocation process)
  • Information Bulletin # 258 – July 17, 2007
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program Allocation Announcement - (PDF 53KB, TXT 7KB)
    (Attachment: PSIC Program Guidance and Application Kit)
  • Information Bulletin # 257 – July 17, 2007
    Extension Requests for FY 2002, FY 2003, and FY 2004 Grants - (PDF 23KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 256 – June 29, 2007
    Certified Course Available for Delivery Catalog Number AWR-189-1 - (PDF 21KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 255 – June 29, 2007
    Certified Course Available for Delivery Catalog Number MGT-332 - (PDF 24KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 254 – May 10, 2007
    Options for Remaining Allocated Funds for FY 2006 Tier I Transit Systems - (PDF 28KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 253 – May 2, 2007
    DHS-Approved Training Courses for the Transit Security Grant Program - (PDF 34KB, TXT 7KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 252 – April 27, 2007
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Program Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 25KB, TXT 50KB)
    (Attachment: Information for SAAs and UAWGs | Investment Justification Template)
  • Information Bulletin # 251 – April 20, 2007
    FY 2007 Competitive Training Grant Program (CTGP) - (PDF 20KB, TXT 6KB)
    (Attachment: | Program Guidance and Application Kit | Fact Sheet)
  • Information Bulletin # 250 – April 11, 2007
    FEMA Chief Financial Officer and National Preparedness Directorate: Manual Grant Payment Request Procedures - (PDF 28KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 249 – April 10, 2007
    DHS Certified Course Available for Delivery - (PDF 51KB, TXT 6KB)
    (Attachment: Terrorism and WMD Awareness in the Workplace PDF 51KB, TXT 6KB )
  • Information Bulletin # 248 – March 20, 2007
    Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program - (PDF 21KB, TXT 2KB)
    (Attachment: Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Information Bulletin # 247 – March 20, 2007
    Certified Course Available for Delivery - (PDF 68KB, TXT 7KB)
    (Attachment: Preparing the States: Implementing Continuity of Operations (COOP) Training Course Information)
  • Information Bulletin # 246 – March 8, 2007
    Office of Grants & Training Reorganization News - (PDF 21KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 245 – March 7, 2007
    Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Policy and Guidance Volumes - (PDF 30KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 244 – March 1, 2007
    Using State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Funding for REAL ID Implementation - (PDF 68KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 243 – February 28, 2007
    Focusing the Transit Security Grant Program on Security Training - (PDF 81KB, TXT 10KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 242 – February 12, 2007
    FY 2007 Port Security Grant Program - (PDF 25KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 241 – February 8, 2007
    Direct Support Exercise Program Applications - (PDF 23KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 240 – February 8, 2007
    2007 Hurricane Preparedness Activities - (PDF 21KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 239 – February 2, 2007
    Guidelines on Preparedness Officer Engagement and Mid-Term Review Process for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Application Period - (PDF 28KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 238 – January 31, 2007
    Clarifications on Tier I and Tier 2 Eligibility for the FY 2007 Intercity Bus Security Grant Program - (PDF 74KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 237 – January 30, 2007
    FY 2007 Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) – Eligible Ferry Systems - (PDF 69KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 236 – January 29, 2007
    Revised Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Chemical Sector Buffer Zone Protection Program (Chem-BZPP) Guidance - (PDF 68KB, TXT 2KB)
    (Attachment: Chem-BZPP VRPP Template | Chem-BZPP Memo)
  • Information Bulletin # 235 – January 29, 2007
    Retroactive Intelligence Analyst Guidance for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) and Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) - (PDF 75KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 234 – January 29, 2007
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Buffer Zone Protection Program (BZPP) - (PDF 75KB, TXT 5KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 233 – January 24, 2007
    Tier I Eligibility for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) - (PDF 75KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 232 – January 22, 2007
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requirement - (PDF 20KB, TXT 5KB)
    (Attachment: NEPA Resource Guide)
  • Information Bulletin # 231 – January 12, 2007
    Fusion Process Technical Assistance Services - (PDF 20KB, TXT 2KB)
    (Attachment: Fusion Process Technical Assistance Services)
  • Information Bulletin # 230 – January 11, 2007
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 IPP Guidance and Application Kits - (PDF 69KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 229 – January 5, 2007
    Homeland Security (DHS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Program Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 68KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Attachments: HSGP Guidance | Investment Justification Template | Investment Justification Reference Guide)

2006 Information Bulletins

  • Information Bulletin # 228 – December 22, 2006
    Tactical Interoperable Communications Scorecards - (PDF 74KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 227 – December 21, 2006
    FY 2006 Port Security Grant Program Categorical Assistance Progress Reporting - (PDF 105KB, TXT 11KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 226 – December 5, 2006
    FY 2006 Transit Security Grant Program – Tier 1 - ( PDF 69KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 225 – November 27, 2006
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Program Guidance and Application Kit - (PDF 21KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Attachment: FY 2007 EMPG Program Guidance and Application Kit)
  • Information Bulletin # 224 – November 21, 2006
    National Exercise Schedule System - ( PDF 21KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 223 – October 20, 2006
    FY 2006 Transit Security Grant Program Tier I - ( PDF 97KB, TXT 22KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 222 – October 18, 2006
    Reinstatement of the Direct Support Exercise Program - ( PDF 25KB, TXT 6KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 221 – October 2, 2006
    Investment Planning and Program Management Technical Assistance - ( PDF 30KB, TXT 5KB)
    (Attachment: Technical Assistance (TA) Request Form 15KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 220 – September 21, 2006
    NOAA Public Alert Radio Program - ( PDF 67KB, TXT 3KB)
    (Attachments: Project Support Request | Citizen Corps Volunteer Material for NOAA Public Alert Radio Program)
  • Information Bulletin # 219 – September 18, 2006
    Training Information Reporting System – “Web-Forms” - ( PDF 68KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 218 – September 14, 2006
    Personnel Costs Clarification - ( PDF 67KB, TXT 3KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 217 – September 1, 2006
    2006 G&T National Conference - A Partnership for Preparedness - ( PDF 68KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 216 – August 11, 2006
    Eligibility of G&T Grant Funds to Support Operational Costs - ( PDF 27KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 215 – August 4, 2006
    FY 2006 Risk Analysis for the Homeland Security Grant Program - ( PDF 34KB, TXT 9KB)
    (NOTE:The attachment to this bulletin is designated “FOUO”, please contact for additional details or to request a copy.)
  • Information Bulletin # 214 – July 14, 2006
    FY 2006 Transit Security Grant Program - ( PDF 51KB, TXT 17KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 213– July 14, 2006
    FY 2006 Intercity Bus Security Grant Program - ( PDF 32KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 212 – July 10, 2006
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Investment Prioritization and Initial Strategy Implementation Plan (ISIP) Submission Process - ( PDF 389KB, TXT 8KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 211 – June 26, 2006
    Courses removed from the G&T Federal Sponsored Course Catalog - (PDF 67KB, TXT 2KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 210 – June 8, 2006
    Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Awareness Technical Assistance Workshop - (PDF 27KB, TXT 5KB)
    (Attachments: Technical Assistance (TA) Request Form.PDF)
  • Information Bulletin # 209 – June 1, 2006
    Fusion Process Orientation Technical Assistance - (PDF 45KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Attachments: Technical Assistance (TA) Request Form)
  • Information Bulletin # 208 – May 31, 2006
    FY 2006 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Allocation Announcement - (PDF 41KB, TXT 13KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 207 – May 19, 2006
    Fiscal Year 2006 Competitive Training Grants Program (CTGP) - ( PDF 67KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Attachments: FY 2006 CTGP Solicitation for Concept Papers.PDF, CTGP Concept Template Paper .PDF | CTGP Fact Sheet .PDF)
  • Information Bulletin # 206 – May 12, 2006
    Temporary Suspension of Direct Exercise Support - ( PDF 21KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 205 – March 23, 2006
    Update – Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan Review Process and Exercise Validation- ( PDF 34KB, TXT 10KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 204 – March 20, 2006
    Operation Stonegarden - ( PDF 78KB, TXT 4KB)
    (Attachments: ACPA Contact Info list.xls)
  • Information Bulletin # 203 – March 17, 2006
    Use of FY 2004 and 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Funds in Support of the 2006 Hurricane Preparedness Exercises - ( PDF 68KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 202 – February 8 2006
    Application Review and Scoring Approach for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Homeland Security Grant Program - ( PDF 69KB, TXT 37KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 201 – February 3, 2006
    FY 2006 Allocation Amounts: Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS), and Citizen Corps (CCP) - ( PDF 74KB, TXT 4KB)
  • Information Bulletin # 200 – January 3, 2006
    Updated Information about the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) and the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Program Guidance and Application Kit -( PDF 112KB, TXT 25KB)
    (Attachments: Program Guidance and Application Kit)

Additional Information

For additional Information Bulletins not listed on this page, please contact the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk (CSID) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. EST, Mon-Fri.

Phone: 1-800-368-6498
Fax: (202) 786-9920

Last Updated: 
09/26/2012 - 16:38
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