Hull Technician 1st Class Robert Kinast (right) observes a French Sailor demonstrating fire fighting techniques

USS NORMANDY, Baltic Sea – Hull Technician 1st Class Robert Kinast (right) observes a French Sailor demonstrating fire fighting techniques, June 8, during the French Sailors’ visit to the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60).  Normandy, a Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser homeported in Norfolk, Va., is a representative of the U.S. during the 40th iteration of the Baltic Operations exercise 2012, a multinational exercise intended to improve interoperability with partner nations by conducting realistic training both on land and at sea. View at highest resolution (4288 by 464 pixels)

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USS NORMANDY, Baltic Sea – Hull Technician 1st Class Robert Kinast (right) observes a French Sailor demonstrating fire fighting techniques, June 8, during the French Sailors’ visit to the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60). Normandy, a Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser homeported in Norfolk, Va., is a representative of the U.S. during the 40th iteration of the Baltic Operations exercise 2012, a multinational exercise intended to improve interoperability with partner nations by conducting realistic training both on land and at sea.

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