40 Weeks 40 Ideas

Each week for the next 40 weeks, I’ll be highlighting an idea to make government and business more fair, our environment cleaner, and our communities safer, healthier, and more economically secure. READ MORE

Jobs and the Economy

Congressman Blumenauer is working on ways to help small businesses, create jobs, and recover the economy. READ MORE

Growing Opportunities

The Vision of a Farm Bill That Better Serves Small and Midsize Farmers and Ranchers, the Environment, Taxpayers and Consumers READ MORE

House Democrats Unveil $40 Billion in Cuts to Wasteful Big Oil Subsidies

The oil industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world and does not need help from the government. READ MORE

2012 Budget

Budgets are statements of values. The hard work of making specific spending decisions still awaits Congress. READ MORE

Freedom from Oil

Steps that government, businesses and individuals can take to provide American families with more transportation choices and reduce their reliance on expensive gas. READ MORE

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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Congressman Blumenauer Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

This month, I join with millions of Americans in recognizing the contributions of Latino citizens during National Hispanic Heritage Month.  Hispanics play a vital role in both our nation and Oregon, and this is a time to celebrate the diversity and richness of Hispanic culture. Hispanic communities contribute to every ...


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Blumenauer: FISA "Need Not Erode Rights of Americans to Protect Them"

Congressman Earl Blumenauer's comments regarding HR 5890 - FISA AMENDMENTS ACT REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2012:

For over a decade, I have deeply been concerned about the potential overreach of wiretapping legislation and efforts at the ...


Thursday, 30 August 2012

Apples to Twinkies: Stop Subsidizing Obesity

Congressman Blumenauer was on hand at the presentation of a new Oregon State Public Research Interest Group (OSPIRG) report “Apples to Twinkies.” The report outlines how taxpayers are subsidizing junk food additives like high fructose corn syrup to the tune of billions of dollars. David Rosenfeld and a number ...


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Supporting Small, Family Owned Mills

Today, Congressman Earl Blumenauer met with Oregon representatives of the Hardwood Federation in Washington DC.  The Federation represents the thousands of hardwood businesses located in every state in the U.S., many of which are small, family-owned mills. 

Earlier this year, some in Congress wanted to roll back protections against illegal logging.  ...


Thursday, 30 August 2012

Blumenauer Meets for Terwilliger Town Hall

Congressman Blumenauer held a town hall with residents of Terwilliger Plaza this past weekend. Opening the conversation, he discussed the opportunities for progress that can be created through legislation such as Water for the World, the Farm Bill, and continuing funding for Public Broadcasting. “These are all ideas and pieces of ...


Friday, 24 August 2012

A New Hallmark Industry: Portland Area Coffee Roasters

Congressman Blumenauer convened a roundtable with coffee roasters from across the Portland region on Wednesday morning. The meeting was held at Portland Roasting Company and featured a full range of businesses from large, established roasters to new micro-roasters. Many of the roasters discussed their mutual desire to bring down health ...


Friday, 3 August 2012

Keeping the Pressure On: OSPIRG and the Farm Bill

On Monday, Congressman Blumenauer met with OSPIRG (Oregon State Public Interest Research Group) Executive Director David Rosenfeld and OSPIRG canvassers Charlie, Sam, and McKenzie to hear about their experiences talking with Oregonians about the problems created when our tax dollars subsidize giant agribusiness and junk food ingredients.  Since May, 2011, ...


Monday, 30 July 2012

Stand Together to End the Terrible Gun Violence Epidemic

I was deeply saddened by the recent horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado. I was also reminded that such horrific events are unfortunately all too common in our country. And while we mourn our loss as a national community, we must also be reminded that such events provide cause to stop ...


Thursday, 16 February 2012

Consequences of the Worst Bill Ever

One consequence of the House Republican effort to eliminate mass transit from the Highway Trust Fund may well be to undermine ability to ever get the resources we need for all our surface transportation needs.

Study after study has documented the woeful inadequacy of current funding levels to meet the needs ...


Friday, 20 January 2012

The Opportunities and Challenges of 2012

We begin the new year on the same disappointing political note that we concluded 2011. The political process in the minds of virtually all independent observers and lots of people in both parties is that ...


Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Farm subsidies: We can cut the fat in spending and in our food

As you stroll through the aisles of your local grocery store this holiday season, grab an apple and a two-pack of Ho Hos. Can you guess which one your tax dollars are subsidizing?

If you guessed the Ho Hos -- packed with 370 calories from saturated fat and high-fructose corn syrup ...

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40 Weeks 40 Ideas

Week #34: Supporting the National Guard

Tuesday, 01 September 2012

We should place greater emphasis on the role of our National Guard, Air Guard, and Ready Reserve to strengthen national readiness and provide help in non-military emergencies here at home.

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