House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Leader Cantor Honors the Americans Who Died in Libya and Condemns Violence in the Region

Posted by Connor Walsh on September 19, 2012

The House passed H.Res. 786, Honoring the four United States public servants who died in Libya and condemning the attacks on United States diplomatic facilities in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen.

Majority Leader Cantor made the following remarks on the House Floor:

"We acknowledge and honor the personal sacrifice of the brave Americans who gave their lives in service to our nation. US Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty tragically lost their lives far from home, in Benghazi, Libya, where they were promoting American interests and helping the Libyan people secure the hard-fought gains of their revolution. These heroes died upholding the liberty, democracy, and moderation we value as a nation. "

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Able-Bodied Adults on Food Stamps Double After Administration Suspends Work Requirement

Posted by Connor Walsh on September 19, 2012

According to a new report from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, President Obama's decision to waive welfare work-requirements has more than doubled the number of able-bodied adults receiving food stamps.

Philip Klein reports in this morning's Washington Examiner:

...the 1996 welfare reform law included a separate rule encouraging able-bodied adults without dependents to work by limiting the amount of time they could receive food stamps. President Obama suspended that rule when he signed his economic stimulus legislation into law, and the number of these adults on food stamps doubled, from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010...

"CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement." Washington Examiner, 9/19/2012

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The President Refuses To Work With Congress To Avert The Sequester

Posted by Connor Walsh on September 12, 2012

Despite repeated efforts by the House to work together on preventing the sequester, the White House continues ignore the reality of this looming problem. 

Today, the White House announced that it will not support the National Security & Job Protection Act.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor made the following statement:

While our national security, the future of our military, and millions of jobs hang in the balance, the Obama Administration’s opposition to the National Security and Job Protection Act demonstrates that its only plan is to make excuses for its own inaction on averting the sequester.

The House has approved a plan to protect our troops, jobs and our homeland. We have repeatedly asked the White House to work with us to replace the sequester, meet us halfway or to present a plan. Instead, the White House has failed to take any reasonable and responsible steps to avoid this grave threat to the future of our nation.

The Attacks in Libya & Egypt

Posted by Eric Cantor on September 12, 2012

I condemn the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi and Embassy in Cairo by violent extremists.

My prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other brave Americans who lost their lives in this unjustifiable and hateful assault.

Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues were known for having stood firmly on the side of the Libyan people against tyranny, and were untiring in their efforts to help the Libyan people establish a peaceful and tolerant democracy. These brave and honorable public servants deserve the respect of the American and Libyan people, for whom they tragically gave their lives.

These terrible incidents highlight the ongoing security challenges in Libya and Egypt, and I call upon the Libyan and Egyptian governments to protect diplomatic facilities, secure their borders, and redouble efforts to combat extremist terrorism within their countries.

Eleven years after September 11, it is clear that Islamic extremist terrorism still poses a tremendous threat to the Middle East, to the United States, and to the international community.

These attacks will not deter America from continuing to promote peace, democracy, individual and religious freedom and an unwavering respect for human life throughout the region and the world.

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The United States Should Never Forget And We Must Never Quit

Posted by Eric Cantor on September 11, 2012

Today, we remember the nearly 3,000 innocent Americans who were killed on September 11, 2001 in New York, Pennsylvania and my home state of Virginia. We honor the victims, their families and the responders who saved lives and sacrificed their own in service to their fellow man. And we thank those who have since put themselves in harm's way to keep us safe. The best way to honor these heroes is to ensure another attack does not occur.

There is a need for strong U.S. leadership to combat terrorism that continues to threaten the global community and deter future attacks. Although Osama Bin Laden is dead, Al Qaeda remains a dangerous and capable organization dedicated to killing Americans and other radical terrorist groups continue to plot attacks against America and our allies.

We must follow the example that was set in the weeks following the attack by setting discord aside to jointly combat a common enemy that still wishes to do us harm. Our national security must be a priority and we must protect against efforts that would undermine our ability to prevent or respond to another devastating attack.

The United States should never forget, and we must never quit.

If the Senate does not act, the sequester will take effect in:

Time since the House passed a solution:

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