
House Republicans Continue to Refuse to Allow Democrats to Speak on Floor

Posted on by Karina

This afternoon, Speaker Pro Tempore Robert Aderholt, under orders from Speaker Boehner, refused to allow Congressman Jim Moran to speak on the floor and call for the payroll tax cut conference committee to get to work:

Last week, House Republicans refused to allow Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn to speak on the floor and call for the payroll tax cut conference committee to get to work and in late December, House Republicans refused to allow Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer to speak on the floor and ask for unanimous consent to bring up the Senate bipartisan compromise to extend the payroll tax cut.

Yesterday, House Democrats on the conference committee sent a letter to Congressman Dave Camp, Chairman of the committee, requesting that work developing a long-term agreement to extend the payroll tax cut begin now even though the Republican House is out of session.

It’s time to get to work to ensure that 160 million Americans see a tax cut through the remainder of the year and the country is not taken to the point of brinkmanship yet again. We can’t wait.

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